The Date II

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Ginny entered Harry's office at 5:00 in the evening as he had called her. Even though they were dating they didn't let it come into their professional life.

She opened the door and entered but saw no one.She frowned and then jumped when she felt two arms wrap around her waist.

She felt his breath on her neck as he lay kisses on it.



"Why did you call me?"

"To have sex with you?"he replied faintly

"Mmhmm... Well then thank God I have work to do...."she said and turned around to go out of his office. He grabbed her hand and pulled her back,with an offended expression.

"You're choosing work over me?" Harry asked, in an offended tone and she nodded and left the office

"Fine,you're going to realize what a mistake you've done"he called out to her but she just closed the door in his face.

She went to her office and sat down. She rolled her eyes at her bodyguards standing in front of her door like a statue

Ever since Harry found out about Dean escaping prison, he had gone in complete over-protective mode and hired two bodyguards,shifted her to his house and gave her a tracking device attached to her phone so that he could trace her. Ginny felt as if she was the one who ran out of prison.

Even after 6 months of dating,he still kept surprising her and he gave her small gifts every now and then.

On the brighter side,she and Gavin had made up and he and Harry were very protective and were making decisions for her without her consent.She partly wished that they had never met,they were eating her mind.

She snapped out of her thoughts as she got an e-mail.

She opened it. It was from Harry.

'Miss.Weasley,there is a party at my Penthouse this weekend so please handle the decorations and send the invite to the people on the list I gave below'she frowned and scrolled down.

At the end of the list there was a message

'Almost forgot,you're my date for the party so go and buy a dress.... Don't make it too sexy.I don't want other people to see you look hot'

She shook her head and send the invites.She went to Google and searched for some party planners and really liked the party and ideas of it and called them.

She told them to come to Harry's penthouse at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon.She sent the guest list while changing the names on each invite.It was 8:00 that meant she had been at it for 3 hours

Ginny glanced at her phone as it rang, it was an unknown number.She picked it up and asked


"Miss.Weasley?"came Harry's voice and she frowned,looking at the number

"Where are you calling from?This is an unknown number"she said and he said

"I need you"


"I am not feeling well"he said,weakly and Ginny bolted up.

"I'm on my way"

Ginny rushed to Harry's office and entered it.

It was completely dark,she squinted in the darkness and called out


Suddenly,she felt someone tying a blindfold on her eyes and she gasped

"Shh..."Harry whispered and wrapped his arms around her waist and placed a kiss on her shoulder and neck.

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