Çhäptēr 1

162 7 3

East Side


My criminal report lights up on the jumbo-trons throughout the town...

  Wanted by the Government
Wanted for: Assault, Arson, Theft, and Destruction of Military Property

I've seen many different photos alongside my report. One time, there was a kid with braces and thick, curly black hair. Another one was a boy with an afro, who had his eyes shut. Sometimes I'm black. Sometimes I'm white. Sometimes I'm olive, or red, or-

Okay, I think you get that the government has no idea what I look like. Now that I think about it, they don't seem to know much of anything about me, except that I'm young. When they run somebody else's fingertips, and it doesn't match their databases, they get even more impatient with me. That's why they despise me so much. Not only am I the most dangerous criminal in Korea, but I'm also the most wanted.

Heh, I make them look bad.

Right now, it's dusk, but the sky seems to be pitch black. The jumbo-trons shine brightly in contrast to the night sky. I sit, perched on a rundown window edge, five stories up an old, abandoned building. This old building used to be an apartment complex, but it fell into disrepair. An abundance of glass shards and peeling carpet decorate the floor in this room, and wall paper can be seen peeling off on the corners.

My eyes are focused on a one story house on the other side of the street. My hand plays with the bracelet on my wrist out of habit.

Jimin rests on the other window in the room, inspecting my face. I'm anxious tonight, and he can sense it.

The disease had hit this area of the East Side hard. Due to the bright light of the jumbo-trons, we can see the soldiers at the other side of the street inspect each house along it. Each one wore a gas mask. At times, they can exit a house and put a big X on the door.

Let's just say that no one enters, or leaves that house after that.

At least, not when anyone's looking.

"Can you see them?" Jimin asked in a hushed whisper. The darkness of the room and the sky outside makes it hard to read his expression.

"They haven't eaten. The table has been unoccupied for hours." I reply, shifting my position so I'm not pressuring my bad leg.

"Maybe... they just left the house for a little bit?"

I shoot him a stern glance. I know he's trying to lighten the air, but I'm clearly not in the mood.

"Jimin, look at the light coming the candle. Mom would never leave those to burn if someone wasn't in the house."

Jimin sighs, then moves closer to me.

"We should just get out of here, right? I mean, the disease will eventually blow through. We can come back to visit. By that time, we'll definitely have enough money for train tickets to see them." Jimin tried to keep his voice calm, but I could hear him slip into worry.

EPIC~Vkook BTS Fanfiction |DISCONTINUED|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora