Çhãptêr 3

68 6 6

West Side


I was seven when my father came back from the warfront for some time off. He was usually gone, so mom was left to raise me, my brother, and my sister on her own. When he came home that time, he was taken by soldiers for questioning.

The police brought him back with a broken arm, a bloody nose, and bruises all over his body.

They found him suspicious, I guess.

A couple of nights later, I dipped a ball of ice in gasoline and lit it. I used my slingshot to fling it through the window of the local police department. Fire trucks came speeding in afterwards.

They never found out who did it, because I never said anything.

That became my first perfect crime.

My mother always thought I would become famous. But, I don't think this is what she had in mind.

It's another evening, about forty-eight hours after the soldiers marked my family's door.

I wait in a dark alley, a couple of blocks away from Seoul Central Hospital and watch staff go in and out of the entrance. Electric lights shine from each floor, something like that only government buildings and the richest of people have. Military Jeeps pile in the underground parking lot, someone checking each driver's ID before passing. Even with everything going on around me, I focus on the entrance.

I wore my best clothes of this occasion. Black leather boots that are only slightly worn, and have metal toes. I bought this with some of Jimin and I's money stash. A knife is hidden at the side of each boot, just in case. You can never be too prepared. Tight, black pants are tucked into my boots, my pockets carrying black gloves and a cloth. A black, long sleeved shirt, with a couple rips in it. My hair hangs messily, and my face I smeared with mud, so they couldn't easily point out my features. Along with the mud, pig blood is smeared all throughout my body. (Jimin helped me get that pig blood.) I felt pretty prepared tonight.

The hospital spans ten floors, but I'm only interested in the floor without any windows. That's the third floor, or the laboratory. That room most definitely has the medicine I need.

I wonder if I can get in from the side of the tower. I once scaled a building in less than five seconds, so how hard could this be? I look around the sides of the building. This tower is too smooth. There's nothing I can fit my feet into. I'll have to reach the lab from the inside. I wanted to ask if Jimin wanted to come with me. But, two invaders are easier to catch than just one. Besides, my family needs the medicine. Before I forgot, I tucked my bracelet up my shirt sleeve.

A medic truck then pulls up. Soldiers greet the nurses and take out the supplies. The commander of the group is a young man, brown hair, and dressed in mostly black with a row of buttons on his jacket. I try to hear what he's saying.

"—men will be at the entrances tonight."

"Yes, Captain." said one of the nurses.

"My name is Baekhyun. If you need anything, come ask me."

Dozens of the commander's (I'm assuming his name is Baekhyun) soldiers were scattered around the area of the hospital. Medical trucks come and go, full with soldiers with gashes in their bodies, or blood stained on their uniform. I finally come out of the shadows, and walk through the entrance.

As I walk in, a nurse spots the blood all over my body. I "stumble" towards her desk.

"Can I be treated, ma'am?"

I wince in imaginary pain.

"Is there a room open still? I can pay."

She scrambles on her notepad, no emotion on her face. An ID is attached on her shirt.

"What happened?"

I pant while speaking, putting my hands on my knees.

"I was in a fight....got stabbed."

She finishes writing and nods at one of the guards who was patrolling the front door.

"Pat him down."

The soldier walks over and pats down my chest, waist, arms, and legs. They don't find my knives in my boots. They do take the stack of money on my belt. Payment for entering, obviously.

The soldier gives the lady a thumbs up. She then turns to me.

"Waiting room is over there. Have a seat." She said, pointing over to the left of the room that was decorated with chairs.

I stumble over to a seat, knowing that Baekhyun is secretly studying my face while he is talking with one of his soldiers. It doesn't go unnoticed by me, so I study his face, too, making a mental note of his features.

Once I make it to the other side of the room, I hear moans of pain with soldiers and other patients looking deathly ill or gravely injured. I don't want to guess how long they've been here, or how much they had to pay to even enter this hospital. I look around at all the soldiers, noticing their ID's on their chests. I stumble to the closest chair and I sit. For once, my bad knee helps my disguise.

I count off ten minutes, enough time for the soldiers to become less interested in me. Then I stand up, and stumble over to the nearest soldier. His hand moves to his gun on his belt out of reflex.

"Sit. Down." He says.

I "trip" and fall against him.

"W-where's the bathroom?" I ask, making my voice scruffy. I grab his arms to balance myself. He moves his finger closer to the trigger. But another soldier shakes his head at him.

No shooting in the hospital.

"Over there." He says, pointing his gun to a door. Most likely the bathroom.

"If you touch me again, you're dead."

He releases me, and I stumble over to the door. I feel the soldiers eyes on me as I enter the bathroom.

Doesn't matter. They'll forget about me in a couple minuets.

And it'll take several more minuets before the soldier I grabbed realizes his ID is missing.

Word Count: 1035

Yaaaay! Another chapter! I hope you liked it. I'm really excited for this story! Thank you for your support! And remember...



Face Reveal?

I purple you! 💜



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