Çhāptër 6

69 5 1

West Side


I lie on the couch with my leg draped over the edge. The spot where Baek sits is empty. Stacks and piles of old photos and collections of his journals are cluttered on the coffee table. He always loved doing things old fashioned, and kept his journals like how our parents kept the paper photos.

"You can't trace them online." He always said.

Something ironic for an expert hacker to say.

Was it just this afternoon that he picked me up from school? I remember he wanted to tell me something important before he left. I'll never know what he has to say, now. One of my hands clutch an old bracelet, a piece of evidence from the scene that I've been studying for a while now. I squint at it, trying to find any shapes or patterns. I drop my hand. My head hurts.

I learned why Commander Minho pulled me out of school. He's actually had his eye on me for a while. Since he now has one less in his patrol, he's looking for an agent. It was the perfect time to snatch me before anyone else could. Yoongi is taking over Baek's job for the time being, and I'm entering the patrol as a detective and spy agent in training.

My first tracking mission: Kook.

"We've tried numerous tactics to catch Kook, but all of them failed." Minho told me before he sent me home.

"So, this is what we'll do. I'll continue with my patrol projects. For you, let's do a little practice run. Show me how you'd track Kook. Maybe you'll get somewhere. Maybe not. But your fresh. Young. If you impress me, you will be promoted to a full agent of my patrol. I'll make you famous."

I nod, and try to think.

Kook killed my brother. I know that because we found a stolen ID tag lying halfway up the third floor stairwell, which led us to the solider on the tag, who managed to give us a discription of what the boy looked like. The discription didn't match anything we had on file for Kook. To be honest, we really don't know what he looks like. Expect that he is male and young, just like the boy at the hospital tonight. The fingerprints on the ID tag also are the same prints we found last month to a crime linked to Kook. Kook was there in the hospital. He was also stupid enough to leave the ID tag behind.

It made me wonder. Kook broke into the hospital for medicine as part of a desperate, last-minute, and in my opinion, poorly thought out plan. He must have stolen from here because he couldn't find anything stronger. He himself definitely does not have the plague, not with the way he was able to escape. But someone else...Someone he cares for, must have it. Someone he would risk his life for. Most likely on the East Side, the side that is most infected by the disease. If that's true, me might not be leaving the city anytime soon.

Also, Kook could've have someone who hired him to pull this stunt. But, the hospital is dangerous territory, and that someone would've have to pay him a great deal of money. And if that much money was involved, he would've thought out his plan a little better. Besides, Kook was never a mercenary in any other crimes. He attacked the government's military, slowed down shipments to the war front, and destroyed our airships and fighter jets....

All on his own.

He might have an agenda with us fighting against those East Side Territories.

For a while, we thought he was working with them. But his jobs are without high tech equipment, or any noticeable funding. Something you wouldn't expect from the enemy. He's never taken jobs for them, and it's unlikely that he'd take them now.

Another possible ally could be the Colonies. But if Kook has been working with them, no doubt they would leave their signature sign (A circle with a star drawn in the middle) on a wall somewhere near the crime scene. They would never miss a chance to claim a victory. But, the biggest thing that doesn't add up to me:

Kook has never killed anyone before.

Another reason why I don't think he's in any connection to the Colonies. In one of his past crimes, he sneaked his way into a quarantine zone be tying up a police man roaming the streets. The police made didn't have a scratch on him (expect for a black eye). Another time, he broke into a bank vault, but left the security guards untouchedalthough a bit shocked. He torched a set of fighter jets on an airfield and tinkered with airships to cripple their engines. He vandalized several military buildings. He's stolen money, food, and goods. But he doesn't set bombs. He doesn't shoot soldiers. He doesn't attempt assassinations.

He doesn't kill.

So why Baekhyun? Kook could've made his escape without killing him. Did he hold a sick grudge? Had my brother done something to him in the past? It couldn't have been accidental. It went through Baek's heart.

Through his stupid, stubborn, overprotective, intelligent, kind, loving heart.

I open my eyes, studying the bracelet again. It belongs to Kook. That's what the fingerprint scanners told us. A circular disk with no engravings. Something we found not far from the ID tag. It's worth nothing in terms of money. Cheap nickel and copper. Which means he probably found no interest in stealing it, and has a different meaning for himworth carrying around with the risk of loosing it or dropping it. Maybe a good luck charm. Maybe it was given to him from someone he has emotional ties with. Maybe this was the person he tried to steal the medicine for. It has a secret, I just don't know what.

Kook's tricks used to fascinate me. But now, he is an enemy.

My target.

My first mission.

I gather my thoughts in the span of two days. On the third day, I call Commander Minho.

I have a plan.

Word Count: 1034

Another chapter complete! Look forward to faster updates with this book soon! My first book only has one chapter left :'(. But now, I have more time for this book!


I purple you! 💜



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