Bleached Eyes

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Yesterday was simply amazing. This laganja girl was so kind and quite crazy!; we have been texting for a while but she finally stopped replying because it was after midnight. I yawned, turning to my side. I actually am sleeping in my own room, I think my mother misses having someone to cuddle though, so I felt very guilty.

When I saw the beautiful sun rays dance through my curtains, I knew that today would be a great one. I heard my mother come in without warning holding a huge tray of pancakes and strawberries.

"Morning, baby!" She sung, placing the tray down on my lap. "I hope you like it! I put extra sugar in the batter because it matches your personality!" I gasped and felt tears gather in my eyes.

"Mom, it looks extra yummy today!" I giggled and she sat down by my legs.

"I've called your friend Aquaria and she is coming round today! As well as Mrs. Needles!" She stared at me with starry eyes, and I nodded happily.

"Oh my gosh yay!" I said quickly. She laughed. I wasn't expecting them to come to our house? But I am excited anyway, Aquaria made me feel things that others couldn't.

"Well, I need to eat my own breakfast now!" She leaned over me and kissed my forehead. She was so soft when in a happy mood. I saw her walk out and close the door gently, as if I was gonna get scared if she closed it any harsher. My tongue was having a orgasm right now--i think that's what they are called?-- because of the deliciousness of mom breakfast. I twirled a finger in my long blonde hair and smiled, noticing a little picture of me as a kid and mum hugging, that was placed on the old wooden shelf. I couldn't remember when it was taken but somehow it brought such memories. Ones I will never seem to find.

I heard the TV blast a weird cooking channel down the stairs and I smiled, taking my time to walk down them. I heard my mother laugh occasionally and it was the sweetest sound. I peeked around the door and saw her in a night dress that had some cringe slogan on it. I walked in and sat down.

"Hi!" I chirped. She smiled brightly and waved.

"Hi darling! I'm just watching some good old TV!' She brought her legs close to her chest and I smiled softly at her gentle appearance. Her chin rested on her knees and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Why the cooking channel though!?" I sighed and rolled my eyes jokingly. I saw her hand pull the middle finger, her eyes still focused on the screen. I gasped.

"Mum! That's rude!" I stuck my tongue out and folded my arms, slouching. She giggled.

"I don't mean it, love." She mumbled while smiling to herself. "Aquaria and her mother will be here soon so get changed alright?" I whined and shook my head.

"Can I just stay in these clothes?"

"You look scruffy!' She said with sad eyes. " I thought you had special feelings for her? Don't you want to look presentable?" My mother batted her eyelashes in persuasion. I groaned.

"Some people look cute scruffy! Like you!" My hand gestured to her and her eyes did a strange thing. She laughed softly and flicked her hair back.

"Well thank you... But  you're only saying that because I'm your mom and I might not give you stuff if you didn't say it!"

"No I mean it! Like you can wear the worst dress or the worst scruffy shirt and jeans but you would still look--uh--c-cute!?" I held my hands together and I felt my cheeks redden. "I wish I could. I don't think its in my genes." I frowned and she looked at me with a hurt and pitiful expression.

✩☠ Distorted Thoughts | Miz Cracker X Aquaria | AU ☠✩Where stories live. Discover now