Red Lights

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I watched Aquaria crawl into the hole and I swallowed. Her whole body was now inside and I heard her crawling at an uncomfortably fast rate. I fiddled with my hands and heard her muffled gasp.

"God!" She said in shock. "There is like a small opening here! It's like an empty room with another door opposite me!" I heard a thud and I quickly looked through, seeing her flashlight waving around.

"What!?" I called, hearing her cough repeatedly.

"Cracker! Please come quick!" I heard her cry. I shivered and shakily crawled into the dark morbid hole. It was like a vent that leads to the unknown. I saw Aquaria shaking and holding her flashlight tightly in her hand. She was right; it was an opening that had no proper roof, walls or flooring, it was just dirt and stone. I pushed myself out of the tunnel and landed painfully on my arm. I gasped and grasped it tightly. "Oh my gosh, are you alright?" She kneeled down and placed her hands on my back and shoulder.

"I-I really hurt my arm!" I hissed and forced myself to stand up, still clutching my wound. "Is that a door!?" I looked behind Aquaria and saw a huge iron door that had a massive lock. 

"It seems to be. But it's locked! I tried opening it." Aquaria pulled hard on the massive metallic handle, unable to make it budge. "This place looks like it hasn't been used in like 500 years." Aquaria sniffed and gagged. "God..." 

"Wait! Do you hear that?" I was unable to hear the machine sounds anymore. I looked at Aquaria in a mix of fear and relief.

"Let's get the fuck out of here." She grabbed my arm and I resisted.

"No! We need to still try and find it's source! If not then what if it happens again and you and your house could be in danger!" I said, raising my voice to force my point across.

"Baby, what if the things in there are dangerous! I wouldn't want you dying or getting injured!" Aquaria covered her face and sighed shakily. "I knew this stupid house was super weird! The only person who made it feel so fucking homey and good was my mom!" Aquaria broke down into tears. I quickly wrapped my arms around her, wincing slightly at the injury on my arm.

"Please, if we find out then we can tell her about all this. She has the money to get this placed dug out and fucking burned!" I half-joked, seeing her smile slightly.

"Okay," She nodded confidently. I turned and walked up to the door, scanning it from top to bottom. 

"Right, I might be able to open it if I had something sharp and hard." I folded my arms to think.

"Well, I'm not sure about sharp but hard-" Aquaria said in a flirtatious tone, pressing her body against mine. "I can assist you." She giggled and I chuckled, biting my lip. The silent atmosphere made my mood change, however. It wasn't the peaceful silence that you long to rest in bed with your partner, it wasn't the silence you wish to have instead of actual people with you, it was a horribly uncomfortable and damp silence that made your throat dry and send chills down your spine that was painful. I felt her hands caress my chest and face, I smiled and felt her place kisses down my neck. 

"Aquaria, we need to-" I gasped at her teeth biting into my neck harshly, "Aquaria!" I gently pushed her away. "We need to find something to open this door. We can play later." I giggled and saw her frown, but nod sadly.

"Yeah, I'm just really scared." She looked down and I held her hand.

"I know. But I'm sure it's just trash and old tools and stuff." I smiled happily and she nodded.

✩☠ Distorted Thoughts | Miz Cracker X Aquaria | AU ☠✩Where stories live. Discover now