Curiosity Kills The Cat

386 14 11

WARNING: MILD SMUT so.. Yeah... :/  I love Smut a lot and u should 2


It was too easy convincing Cracker to break rules and do things outside her comfort zone. I wouldn't call it manipulating but rather helping, I want her to feel strong and like she could do anything without her mother always being there for her. 

I laced my arms around her body and nestled my nose into her neck. My room was hot and it was a weird erotic fantasy just lying in bed with your lover, her breath gently blowing into your face each second. I smiled to myself and heard her yawn. A cold draft entered my room, ruining the feel of the moment. 

"Hold on," I whispered, pulling myself from under her and standing up, closing the door completely and locking it. "Sorry, this house is so big that drafts are common." I laughed and saw her smiling at me with heart eyes. "I know that smile-" I chuckled and walked back over to her and lied back into position, she crawled over me and shuffled to find comfort. "I wish you could live with me," I said bluntly. She chuckled.

"Me too, but my mom has to come too!" 

"I'm right here? You're a blind bitch." I ran a hand through her hair and she simply laughed.

"No! I mean my real mum!" She mumbled something into my chest. 

"Well, one mother is enough right?" I smirked to myself, "Just kidding, baby girl." 

"You better be!" She joked, I laughed and ran my hand along her spine.

"I am." 

She shuffled and I allowed her to sit up, her hair messy and sticking up in many directions. She yawned again and I stared at her with wonder and astonishment. 

"I'm hungry," She smiled weakly, pushing her hair back.

"Well, I can get you something, we have tons of food here." I rolled off the bed and unlocked my door, pushing it open. I felt shivers run down my legs and arms, but I stepped out and turned around. "Wait here!"

"No, I wanna come!" She stood up and ran towards me, hugging my arm tightly. "I need to choose my food!" I kissed her cheek and nodded.



The kitchen was horribly cold, and although I was often used to it, Miz Cracker wasn't. She was shivering and her teeth were chattering like crazy. 

"Why is it so cold in here?" She said through chattering teeth. I hummed in confusion.

"I'm not actually sure. But the quicker we get your snack the quicker we can get back to the best snuggle session I have ever had-" I turned on my heel and pulled her into a tight hug. She giggled and her hands grasped my chest. My mouth opened with shock,"Naughty!" I gasped, pulling away and turning to the cupboards. "Hmm-"

"Oh! Do you have pizza?"

"No doofus! We have chocolate though! My mother makes it herself," I grabbed a few bars and Miz's eyes lit up. "But don't worry, she hasn't put any gross ingredients in it!" I handed a small square to her and she smiled happily.

"I love chocolate! And it looks great!" Cracker took a small nibble which was followed by a wide smile, showing her cute pointy teeth. She placed the whole square into her mouth and her eyes practically sparkled. I grabbed the whole bar and walked past her and out of the freezing temperatures of the kitchen. She quickly followed. "It tastes so good!" She chuckled, "I'm gonna regret eating all this!" 

"Then share some with me! Don't think you are having it all to yourself!" I carried on walking and I heard her sigh heavily.

"Okaay!" She held my hand and we made our way back up the spiralling staircase and into my warm room. I saw Cracker jump onto my bed and coil herself around a pillow, her eyes fixed on me and her pretty smile covered slightly. I locked the door and placed the chocolate on the bedside drawer, I sat down on the side of the bed and saw her eyes desperate for my warmth.

✩☠ Distorted Thoughts | Miz Cracker X Aquaria | AU ☠✩Where stories live. Discover now