Chapter Four: A Bloody Worm Hole

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The sensation was quite different, John felt like he was going down a drain. Spinning, turning but never stopping. It made him sick to his stomach. God another hole, John did go down a hole. Sometimes he wonder if this was all still a dream. It was after all? Wasn't it? Those thoughts kept going through his mind as his face pressed against the time machine's port hole. The colors all around him confused him, like the effects of LSD would in years to come.

So many thoughts going through his head, like who was going to be there? What was his second son going to be like? 'Oh god....please, please don't let him be a bastard,' John thought. Then if he wasn't a bastard, what happen to him and Cyn? Scary thoughts for sure.

Then all the sudden, instead of going down whirl motion. John felt he was going straight down, yes he was going to get sick. Very sick. This sensation went for at least for a half hour.

"I'm going to fucking die! There should have a bloody manual." John screamed at the top of his lungs.

Then the bloody worm hole ended.

Sean Lennon 2008

Sean Lennon was on Chapter 5 in the book about his dad, if this was true. His dad was a rebel, he laughed silently at the thought. Thudding sounds came suddenly from the door, he his quirked and Sean decided to get up.

"Who could be?" He wondered out loud. Hopefully no fan found his address. Sometimes that did happen. Sean actually did shudder at the thought. He opened the door, and saw a man with a black hat, and with a trench coat. He looked suspicious, really suspicious.

"Who are you?" Sean asked cautiously, his fingers tapping nervously on the door he held opened.

The man in black grabbed him suddenly, hard but gentle. He whispered as Sean was thrashing about. "No one you need to know."

Julian Lennon 2008

Julian was still looking for the white feather. His father promised to send him a sign from the other side and it had not happen yet. No white feather, the liar. Julian looked down towards the floor, and started to cry, with a few tears. 'Hey Jules(Hey Jude)' kept playing in his head. He sniffed his nose and wept the tears away, no wonder he'd always liked Paul better. All his dad did was lie to him.

Julian picked up the book, he was in the part after the time he was born. When his father was barely home, always taking the poppers. Always zapped up on that stuff. On his couch by the fire he read the words by Phillip Norman.

Then he heard the knocking..........

Next Chapter: The Meeting

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