☆the truth will come out~awsten~☆

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"Awsten, what's your favorite band?" "Waterparks." "Besides that." "The Backstreet Boys. You know this."

"Oh, come on." You turn to him with your eyebrows raised. "We both know you love the Spice Girls." "No!"he exclaimed indignantly. "Yes!" You climb on top of him and dig your fingers into his ribs. "St-stop!" He gasped, squirming. "Admit it! You're a sucker for Posh Spice!" You readjusted your position and made sure he couldn't escape.

"Fine! I surrender!" he yelled, trying to push you off of him. "I'm sorry, I couldn't quite hear you," you tease, reaching back to tickle  his feet. "Victoria Beckham is hot! I love the Spice Girls!" he cried.

"The truth will always come out, Mr. Knight. One way or another."

You slid back to your seat on the couch and leaned your head back. "I am so out of breath," you panted. "I really need to exercise more." "Yeah, you do." You reached  next to you for a pillow and hit Awsten over the head with it. "Hey!" "Oh, God, please don't tickle me again!"


ayy hello
so im doing a part tres of  coping mechanism bc i cannot get enough of the plot oh my god
so sorry thats kinda all ive been publishing
also sorry this is kinda short
i didnt really know what to do for this prompt so i just scribbled something down really quick
i knew i needed to do another imagine so thats why this is kinda rushed sry bae

anyways more to come love youuu
ps thanks for 1.12K reads
xoox, k

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