☆knight in shining armor~awsten~☆

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*tw* sexual harrassment
You rested your head on your hand at looked over at your best friend, Alice, who was currently sucking face with her boyfriend, Luke. You sighed. Why did they invite you out with them if they were just gonna act like you didn't exist?

You stared into your glass of Coke, bored out of your mind. Someone's hand fell on your shoulder. You looked back, and you were met with the face of a guy around your age. "Hey," he said, sliding onto the seat next to you. "Hi," you said, just trying to be polite. "You're really pretty. Wanna come back to my place?" He smiled at you. He didn't seem drunk.

"No, thanks," you replied, looking around for Alice and Luke, but they were making out elsewhere. "Oh, come on," he cooned, sliding his hand onto your knee. "Let's have some fun." "I barely know you," you stammered as he leaned into you. "That can change." You shied away from his lips in protest.

"Hey, babe," somebody said from behind you. You groaned inwardly. Another one?

You turned around and saw a guy with bright purple hair and a wide smile. "Sorry I took so long. There was a long line." He leaned into you, like he was gonna kiss your cheek, but he just whispered, "Go with it."

He looked at the guy, who had a shocked look on his face. "Hey, man, I'm Awsten. Did you need something?" he asked kindly, but there was a slight tinge of demand in his voice. The guy's shocked expression changed from mildly shocked to angry. He stood up, but Awsten put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him away. "Bye," he said, his cheerful tone not wavering.

He grabbed your hand and pulled you into a fairly empty corner of the bar. "Sorry. I'm Awsten," he said, and held out his hand. You shook it. "I'm Y/N." "Nice name. Sorry if I scared you or anything. You looked a little panicked."

"You didn't scare me. Thanks a lot, dude," you thanked him. You noticed he had two different colored eyes. Cool.

"Listen, you're super pretty. Like really," he laughed and dug around in his jacket pocket, pulling out a pen. He grabbed a napkin from a nearby table and wrote his number on it. "We should hang out sometime. Unless you have a boyfriend, in which case, we shouldn't. I don't wanna be that guy." You smiled. "Thanks, Awsten."

He winked at you jokingly and disappeared into the crowd. A few seconds later, Alice ran up to you. "There you are!" she exclaimed. "I thought you got kidnapped or something!" She gave you a look. "What's up?" she asked suspiciously. "Nothing," you stuttered, realizing you were still smiling.

She raised her eyebrows, but didn't pry. "Listen, Luke just threw up all over the place, and I need to clean him up. I don't wanna drive you home too late. Is there anyone else..?" You glanced down at the folded napkin in your fist. "I'll figure something out."


this the longest imagine ive written yet wowie

4 more parts til 50!!

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