☆pickles and peanut butter~otto~(part II)☆

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You shifted on the couch again for the millionth time, but you still weren't comfortable. You couldn't figure out what was wrong. You'd been feeling off since you woke up, and you couldn't put your finger on it.

All of a sudden, there was a sharp pinch in your lower belly and back, and you froze.

You tapped on your contraction timer app, and you were pretty sure this was just a fluke, and it would be fine.

No such luck.

Your contractions were scarily regular, and they were getting worse. You tried to ease yourself up off of the couch, but your body flared in protest. All you could do was dig your phone out from between the cushions and call Otto.

He'd gone out after breakfast for some band stuff, and he was probably gonna be back in an hour. Unfortunately, you didn't have time for that.

He picked up on the third ring. "Hey, babe," he said easily. "Otto," you said with effort. "What's wrong?" "Um, I think I'm in labor." "Oh, my God. Um, okay. Are you okay?" "I think, yeah. But we need to go to the hospital. Now." "Uh, alright. I'm coming as fast as I can," Otto said hurriedly, and shouted to somebody in the background, "Y/N's in labor!"

You heard a "Woop!" of excitement, which was probably Geoff, and a squeal of surprise, and that was undoubtedly Awsten. "Bye. I love you." "I love you."

You stood up finally, to see if walking around and packing up your hospital bag would be of any assistance to tour pain. About twenty minutes later, Otto burst in, his hair a mess, and his face worried. "Babe! Are you okay?"

You laughed slightly and kissed him. "Yes, I'm fine. I was walking around and I feel a little better, but we definitely need to get in the car now. Or I'm gonna get cranky."

Otto rushed you out of the door, where the car was running. He helped you into the passenger seat, and Pink Floyd's "On the Run" was playing on the radio. "I love this song!" you exclaimed just as another contraction made you arch your back against the seat.

"Hey, hey, we'll be there soon," Otto assured you, putting his hand on your knee. "I hope."


"Ma'am, you're going to need to start pushing soon," one of the nurses said, who was a lovely ginger woman. "Are you ready?" "Ugh," you groaned. "I guess." You gritted your teeth as another contraction seared through you.

"Okay, on three, for ten seconds." Otto's grip tightened on your hand, as the nurse counted. You pushed, and it was a pain different to anything you'd ever felt before. "Oh, no," you muttered tightly, sweat beading up on your forehead.

You wished for it to be over.


"It's a girl."

The red haired nurse handed you your baby, swaddled in a hospital blanket and blinking slowly. "Hello," you whispered. Tears formed in your eyes at the sight, and you looked up at Otto. "She's beautiful, just like you,Y/N."

You couldn't believe this.


I didn't really want to write a part two bc I didnt think the plot was developing but I wanted to make y'all happyyyyy 🤠🤠🤠🤠

big love you guys <3

//waterparks preferences//Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang