☆pickles and peanut butter~otto~☆

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"Hey, honey, do you need anything while I get gas?" you asked Otto, unbuckling your seatbelt. "A kiss?" he replied hopefully. You raised your eyebrows. "We'll see."

You went into the gas station, and perused the aisles of junk. You found what you were looking for. A pregnancy test.

You just had a gut feeling--no pun intended-- that something was up. You just felt different, and you'd gained six pounds in the last week. Better safe than sorry, right?

You picked up a bag of Doritos to spare yourself and the cashier some awkwardness, and payed for the gas. You went back out to the car, where Otto was already standing next to the gas tank with the nozzle in his hand. "What'd you get?" he asked, starting to pump the gas.

"Nothing." You tried to sound nonchalant so he wouldn't question it. "I got you some Doritos, though." You took the Doritos out and showed them to Otto, then sat them in his seat. "You're the best," he sighed. "Did they have any of those kisses I asked for?" "I just so happened to get the last one," you giggled, kissing him.

You shoved the bag under the seat so you could come and get it later, and waited for Otto to get back in.


Your hands were shaking. There were 36 seconds left to wait. Now it was 33. 32. 31. 30.

After what seemed like an eternity, the timer on your phone bubbled cheerfully, and you snuck a glance at the stick on the back of the toilet.

Two lines. As clear as day.

Immediatley, all the breath whooshed out of your chest, and your eyes started to water. "I'm pregnant," you whispered to yourself, laughing quietly.

The hard part would be telling Otto.

Your hands shook at the thought. Of course, you knew he would be fine with it. But there was still a little voice at the back of your head that wheedled into your security and ate it away from the inside out. What if he didn't want the baby? What if he broke up with you? What if he thought you were lying for attention?

You opened the bathroom door, and a heavy knot of dread settled in your stomach, like you were walking to your own execution. Otto was lounging on the couch, and he smirked at you when you came around the corner. "Hi," he said, sitting up to make room for you.

"Hi," you said shakily, sitting down next to him. "Y/N, what's up with you ou? Is something going on?" "Otto, there's something you should know." His mouth thinned into a hard line, and a shadow crossed his face. "I understand." "What?" "Is this not a breakup talk?" You laughed, cupping his cheek with your hand. "No, no! Of course, not!"

"Then what is it?" Otto asked eagerly. "Otto, I'm, um." You took a deep breath as tears blurred your vision. "I think I'm pregnant."

Otto's face went through a range of a plethora of emotions in a small amount of time. First was confusion, then thinking, then was realization. And the last face Otto looked at you with could only be described as pure and unkillable joy.

"Y/N," he breathed. "I don't know what to say, I. Um." He took a look at you and enveloped you in a hug, and you breathed him in instead of oxygen. "This is the best news."

"I'm happy it was you.

a/n: part two orrrr???

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