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so, i feel like i've hit a wall. i'm struggling insanely hard with just my day to day life and it's been a huge struggle to even think about what to do for this story. i keep starting new ones and new series' and shit that i know damn well won't be finished if even published to begin with, but idk it's whatever at this point.

this isn't really an update in the theme of the story besides me saying this might be the end of this story. i'm working on the second book based off this one but i don't think it's going any better. i've been stuck on the same chapter for months.

shits getting real bad somehow, growing worse, and i'm kinda worried something might happen to me. there'll be updates on other stories but i don't really know how well that's gonna go.

sorry for the lame 'ending' or finishing of this. this book is my literal baby and i think about the characters all the time and i love them more than i can express, but i need to start thinking about my outside life and less about my phone and the communities online.

i hope that the few chapters i've created here have done something for the readers; left you with something or made you change how you think about anything in your life. i love the conversations and the people who've voted and commented and helped other people out. this community is really one of a kind and you're all so generous and selfless and i love you a lot.

thanks for sticking with me,
skeletondrummer 💙

okay y'all, i'm writing a story that's like cuddle-oneshots, sfw and all that bc i am d e p r e s s e d and unable to sleep so like it'll prolly be up tonight / soon if you wanna read it. it's called 'cuddles for a cutie' and like it's all about danny and theo bc i'm a sap and i running from my depressive thoughts 🤷‍♂️ check it out if you wanna

ily guys 💕 thanks for the endless support. i give you endless love and thanks back

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