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Hey guys,


i didn't like the old story so here i am making a new one i'm sorry for the other one it was messed up and here i am all new!

so here i go :) enjoy 

Meet Livvy Allen, She is a 17 year old girl. Peple call her a Tomboy! Why? because her friends are all boys, she doesn't care about what people think or say about her. She is a fighter and with that i mean literally a fighter she is one of the best female boxers of the country. Her mother died when she was 6 years old from cancer. her father raised her on her own. And she also has a brother who's two years older then her. But just because she acts thought. doesn't mean she hasn't got girl problems. Livvy is best friends with all the football players and basket ball players, a dream for some girls but it can be a hell for her. And teh fact that she is madly in love is with her ex-best friend Duke Miller. He is the most wanted boy of the school, And also the biggest player.

Meet Duke Miller, He is 17 years old and is called as the Player. And yes he loves going out, drinking and girls. This doesn't mean his life is all good. Duke got in a car accident with his brother when he was 13 years old. His brother who was 17 years old died and since then duke just make's the best of life. When his brother first died. LIvvy was always there for him they are neighbor's and where best friends since he was 7. Duke made livvy smile in hard times and so did livvy. But when Duke started going out more and more. Livvy and Duke started growing more and more from each other. Duke was intrestes in going out every night while Livvy didn't drink and was very focused on her goals, Livvy still tried to be a part of his life, but when they got in a huge fight and Duke said he wanted her to stay out of his life. Shit happend and since then they don't talk with each other anymore, what is kind off hard if you have the same friends, go to the same school, sit in the same classes oh and love each other. So can they be friends again? or can they be even more?

Livvy allen is played by Blake lively picture on the right of you-------> 

And Duke miller is played by Chase crawford picture is in chapter two :)


-things can be misspelled, because it isn't edited yet

-swear words ( a lot)


On the right of you is a music video from avril lavinge - i'm with you she is one of my favourite artists so yeah------->

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