chapter eighteen

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heyy, another chapterr!


''my three words have two meanings, there's one thing on my mind.. it's all for you'' -ed sheeran'


*DUKE'S P.O.V.''

i couldn't stop smiling when the docter told me everything was okay.. she woke up..she woke up from the coma..miracles exict, tom couldn't stop smiling either while ben and robert where just wondering what the fuck just happend ''can we see her'' i asked desperad ''two people can she her'' well that's mean i looked at robert he desurved it the most i mean it is his child  robert walked in and tom,ben and i started at each other ''tom you should go'' i then said but tom shook his head ''go'' i raise my eyebrow at him ''are you su-'' but before i could finish my sentence ben and tom pushed me into the room, the room was white just like evry room is in the hospital tehre where two chairs and no bed..i turned around when i heard a sound of rolling wheels, livvy was laying on her bed she smiled when she saw us and her eyes had a sparkle again her face had a little colour..she didn't look like livvy..not yet she was a little yellow what was odd but her smile didn't go away tears where falling down on my face again and i squeezed into her hand ''princess'' i could see tears in livvy's eyes too ''dukie'' robert stood up and hugged her tight ''daddy'' livvy said smiling bright. The docter walked in and smiled at us ''I guess it's true'' she said, what was true? ''miracles do exict'' the docter then left and the only thing i could do was smile and i didn't wanna cry anymore..livvy made it and it was a miracle my princess survived it..

two weeks later 


I wstepped out of the car it has been two weeks when i woke up and i got called non stop to say that it was a miracle.. even the news paper wanted to make a piece about ''the miracle'' but i didn't think it was a miracle i think it was meant to be.. because it asn't my life yet. And now i was hoem finally duke walked beside me and kissed me on my cheek ' he whispered in  my ear i could feel my stumach explode and my eyes sparkled, duke grinned and kissed me i could feel his soft lips and the butterflies in my stumach.. i can never get enough of it. Dad told me that duke was there for me trough everything holding my hand and i couldn't help but feel lucky..lucky to have him by my side.

''SUPRISEEEE'' all my friends and family screamed when i walked into the living room everyone was here i smiled and started hugging everyone, people asked me if i felt good. and yeah i may have some pain in my legs but i couldn't felt better because i have all the people i love in this room everyone i loved was here suporting me.

''princess'' i heard duke whisper in my ear i turned around and saw duke standing infrond of me ''dukie'' ''would you like to come with me'' i nodded ''where are we going wen he crabbed my handnand closed the door, the party was still going and even tho i loved everyone i needed some rest ''you'll see'' duke grinned and crabbed a blindfold he wrapped it around my face and then picked me on his back, i couldn't help but smile 

after ten minutes duekn stopped walking ''can i put it of?'' i asked still smiling ''yes'' i putted of and my mouth fell was our secret spot ''dukee'' i said smiling and wrapping my arm around him ''thank you duke this is what i needed'' duke smiled and kissed me long, when he pulled back he grinned ''you wanna swim'' i nodded ''yes yes i wanna swim'' i couldn't care about the fact that i had to swim in my bra and undies i mean who cares i had the best friend in the world..or should i say best boyfriend in the world i ju,ped in the water folowed my duke ''i must be the luckiest man in the world'' duke said grinning when we walked out of the water again ''yes yes indeed'' i joked he crabbed a towel of the ground to wrap aound me an dthen wrapped his arms around me ''livvy marie allen will you be my girlfriend'' i smiled and nodded ''yes yes i would love to'' he picked me up bridal style and then hugged me when he pulled of i kissed him sofly ''i must be the luckiest girl in the world'' i grinned, we both started laughing and duke kissed me again. ''i love you livvy marie allen a lot'' i grinned thinking about the day he first said that but then with liking ''i love you to duke william miller, a lot'' 



i know short story and i must say that i liked writing it but it wasn't my favourite story line so i',m gonna make a new story with a better storyline but i just had to make this off!

ty guys ily




on the right video of lego house - ed sheeran and a phote of duke and livvy :)

see you guys soon! 


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