Chapter seven!

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"YES ONE MORE TIME LIVVY GO" i screamed to her while she slemmed against the boxing ball she looked so hot aspecially when she looked angry. "come it's time to go we have been here for two hours" she wanted to open her mouth "i know livvy the big game is coming up and blah blah blah.. but you have to rest tomorrow is a new day and you did amazing" she smiled and nodded and then walked away to crab her water bottle. I walked up to her "livvy you wanna get something to drink?" she looked like she was thnking about it and then nodded "sure at charlies?" i nodded "uhm i'm first going to take a quick shower " "okay I'll wait" she then turned around and walked up to the showers.

i looked around the gym and thought about taking a seat but i then heared doors clapping and saw a group of guys walking in. "uhm hello" the guy looked confused "hey, I'm just waiting on my friend she is taking a shower and then we leave" the guy looked at me for a while and his four friends crabbed a football and begin to warm up. "yeah that is no prolem so you play football?" i nodded my head slowly "yeah i'm captain of the football team of this high school but that's not why i'm here"  "then why are you here" one of the guys said, he was tall, build had scary dark eyes and was bold "uhm my friend is a boxer" "oh is he any good" "yeah SHE is amazing" they all stared at me for a while and then laughed "so you are telling me that you are the captain of the football team and you're friends with a female boxer who is also you're age?" i nodded, the guy wanted to say something but before he could he was interupt by a girls voice "jup" a familiar voice said i looked behind me and saw livvy standing she had a fake smile she wore a pair f jeans with a hoodie and her hair in a tight ponytail damm even then she looked hot. "are you the girl" the guy looked suprised, yeah who wouldn't be i mean when you meet livvy she looks like an angel with her blond hair and beautiful blue eyes "yes" the guys started laughing but livvy just looked at them with a serious face "nice meeting you to" she said a little grumpy "i'm sorry angel you just don't look like the typ of boxer i had in my mind" "no, i get that a lot my name is livvy allen who are y'all" you ahd to see the faces of the guys when she said her name they looked all so shocked "O my dear god you are livvy allen you are Jone's student, max talks a lot about you" "you know max and jone?" "yeah we are friends with them, man i didn't expect someone like you" "yeah i know" livvy said smiling "nice to meet y'all but i really have to go " the guys all nodded "yeah nice to meet you too see you next saturday" i followed livvy while she walked out of the gym .

we took a seat at Charlies "let's ordere for each other"livy asked after she looked at the menu i nodded and smiled. We used to this to see how good we knew each other. The waitress came to our table "what can i get you guys?" livvy looked at me at i thought about if for a second "yeah can i have one sevenup and chocolate mouse with no whipped cream on it please" i looked at livvy and she had the biggest smile on her face "and can i have one cola, pepsi please and with it a strawberry cake with no whipped cream on it"she rememberd. The waitress nodded and then left our table "you rememberd" livvy said smiling "yeah you too" livvy always got the same and we both hated whipped cream what was odd. "so how have you been duke" she looked at a little worried but still smiling "i've been okay i had it though at the begining but when you didn't come by anymore i wanted to change myself again.. i was losing everyone around me and my family lost trust in me" she nodded and i saw her blue eyes sparkle "do they trust you again?" i shook no and livvy looked sadly "i'm sorry about that" "no don't say sorry.. i mean it's all my fault they really wanna trust me again and i know that but on moments i want to go out or something they have this look on there face like i'm going to something bad or that i lied... and it's all my own fault'' she looked at me for a while and then sighed ''yeah trust can be lost... but everyone desurve's a second change' she said and smiled at me. wow does that means she wants to give me a second change.. "i missed you're parents tho'' she then said ''they missed you to, you should come by sometime' she nodded 'yeah i should' then the waitress came back with our food and drinks and we thanked her. 'omg this taste amazing' i laughed at livvy who had mouse on her nose 'you have something on you're nose" i said laughing "hahah i'm not the only one" she said to me but i didn't felt anything on my nose..weird i tapped with my finger on my nose but nothing was on it i then looked up at livvy she was laughing and had her spoon ready to trow on me "NO WAIT" i screamed so loud everyone looked at me "please livvy no" i said laughing she then trew a big spoon of chocolate mouse on my face it was all in my nose and livvy laughed loudly at my expression "you shoul've seen you're fa-" before see could finish her sentence i trew one big spoon filled with strawberry cake on her head it was right on her forehead and i smirked at her. she laughed with me and then wanted to trow another spoon of chocolate mouse but i dove under the table and livvy aimed on a girl's head the girl turned around and looked mad at us both the guy she was with just laughed while i and livvy where just looking at her with shock the chocolate mouse was in her hair.. and well the girl was a typical barbie doll her face was filled with make up .. how livvy would say it "it's like a 4 year old pooped on her'' 'uhm sorry' livvy said to the girl. 'yeah you better be" she then stormed out of charlies "sorry about you're date" i said to the guy who was still laughing "yeah don't worry about it" livvy started laughing again "that face tho" we both laughed with her, the guy then left and livvy and i went back to our food.

i layed in bed thinking about tonight, me and livvy had fun like we always have when we are together. I remember three years ago some months before my brother died..


"where are we going" i asked at my best friend who was holding my hand. she looked at me and sighed "I'm not telling youuu, it's a secret" she said laughing. we where walking at some place i've never seen before until livvy stopped walking "we are there" she pointed at a river close to it was a diving board and she smiled at me "wanna swim" "uhh i have no swimming trunk with me" "that's okay because i thought about that" she picked one of my swimming trunks out of her backpack and trew it am ''HAVE YOU BEEN IN MY ROOM WITHOUT ASKING ME" is the first thig that popped in my head. she nodded and had one of her cheeky smiles "yeaaahhh.. now let's get in the water"  i putted my swimming trunk on and looked while she jumped in the water. she was shaking from the cold, no suprise there because it is fall ''uhmm i'm not sure about this princess" "who are you calling a princess, princess!" she said smiling i then run into the water. When i came up again i screamed from the cold, livvy as looking at me laughing "you pussy" "oh no you didn't" i  swam to her and then tackled her underwater. "YOU'RE GOING TO BE SORRY'' livvy then screamed and i quickly swam out of the water she ran quickly behind me and then tackled me on the ground "HA I GOT YOU'' but before she could walk away i took her with me on the ground "ughh" she said laughing. I stood up and walked up to the water but before i could took a dive livvy jumped on my back, what made us both felt into the water. when we both came out of it we layed down on the ground, and just layed there laughing for a while. "why are we here" i said after a while "okay i'm going to tell you but only you because you are my best friend okay? " i nodded at her and she looked at the sky for a while "this is my secret place. so anytime you don't know where i am, i'm here" she said with a droky smile "oh  my god is this the place you where when my parents wanted to talk to us about breaking my mothers vase'' she turned red and nodded. "O MY GOD LIVVY'' she then started to laugh "but now you know! so when ever we just want to escape from the world we can go to this place" i nodded at her "deal" 


when she told me about that place we came there often, and when my brother died thats the first place i went to livvy found me there and she hugged me for a while we didn't say anything but she was my biggest support. I will also remember when we came back from that place the first time we went there, we got sick for a week long.. that's what you get when you swim outside in fall. 

i smiled while i was thinking about some good memories we had, but there where way to many.. there was a time we where on a school trip at this museam and we acted like we where spies.. we where only seven but we where already best friends.We got in so much trouble that day but that was us.. troublemakers. I also remember when i first met her she looked like an angel but soon i found out she was just a little troublemaker and we formed the best team we punked everyone and life seemed so good.. but livvy had days she just stayed inside and her dad would tell me that today was a bad day. I was little but i understood, on those days she was just sad about missing her mom. she always told me stories about her mother and showed me picture she was really proud of her .. livvy looks exactly like her mom those blue sparkly eyes and blond hair and the exact same face it was almost scary but it was also hard for her she told me once that everytime she looked in the mirror she thought about her mom... and it's not like she didnt want to think about her it was just that it was a little to much. When we where little she never cried infrond of me.. i have only seen her cry one timen when i was little.. it was awfull to see crying because she was so beautiful and she had such a pretty smile but when she cried she looked so scared and sad. I hated seeing her cry. Livvy was one of the strongest girls i know she hates crying.. she used to tell me that it was stupid to cry because it would never help it only made things more complicated. But livvy's dad cried a lot i have seen her dad cry more then livvy and tom also i have seen him cry sometimes.. but livvy just hates it so tries to avoid it but when she cries she just cries one tear and then stops. 

i thought about it for a while and then felt a sleep..thinking about livvy

Picture of Livvy and Duke togetherr on you're right!!

And at this chapter i thought about this song soo enjoy ---->

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