Chapter five

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i walked in to gym and i saw johne sitting on a bench with some coffee, he saw me and stood up. "livvy mabye you should rest today" oh not him too. my father and brother said the same thing but i'm not letting them stop me i have the big game in one week i don't wanna waste my time. I took a deep sign "i don't wanna rest i wanna practisee now let's start" jone give me a glare and shaked his hand "i'm sorry livvy today we take off go home and get some sleep, we can practise extra tomorrow" ugh no "but jone i'm allright please we have no time to lose" he took a sign and just said nothing for a while "what are you doing" "i'm thinking" i grinned at that.. he can be strong but he isn't smart. "okay i have an idea livvy" i nodded "today you take of and you go home you sleep a little and then at 2 o'clock you go to you're friends game" i nodded slowly wait how did he know about ben's game "uh how do you know tha-" "i saw ben in the supermarket and he told me!... and after the game you go to this gym with one of you're friends and ask them to help you"he interupt "uuhm.. first of all then i miss max his bday and second of all you think my friends wanna help me with this on a saturday night?" "the party isn't a big deal, max would understand and there is gotta be one friend who can help you. i know you have a lot of guy friends so one of them can help you uuhm maybe Duke" i didn't wanna ask duke, yeah i wanted to be friends again and stuff but wouldn't it be weird.. "i will find a solution for it, but you have to tell max that i can't come now! " "yeah yeah of course but you still have to call him and wish him a happy bday!" i nodded and then jone walked out of the gym i followed him and decided to go to starbucks. 

i arrived at starbucks amd saw that it was filled with people, i saw boys looking at me and i then realized that i still wore my sport clothing.. oops i heard one guy saying to his other that i'm that fight chick and then some guys stoped looking at me. 

i crabbed my starbucks, green tea and then took a seat i walked further into starbucks and noticed jonathen and duke sitting in the back, jonathen waved at me and i saw duke turning red what's his deal.

"heyy livvy take a seat" duke was looking at me and i took a seat beside jonathen. "so why are you dressed like that?" jonathen asked "didn't you have practise" duke said while looking at his green tea like it was the most intresting thing on the world "yeah.. but jone said i have to rest i didn't agree with that and he told me to get some sleep now and then after ben's game, practise in the night" "well uhm you're not sleeping and isn't max his birthday party tonight" duke said now looking me in the eyes i nodded "yeah about that i need someone for tonight to train with me and i wonder if you could help him" he looked a little suprised and looked at jonathen , jonathen just smiled and nodded his head "uh yeah sure what time?" i don't know why but i feelhappy, he used to always hep me so this was nice " 7 pm at the gym" "uhm well i am you're neighbor, should i pick you up?" i nodded "i would love that" they then both said goodbye and walked out of strabucks i couldn't stop smiling. 

i opened my home door and heard someone cry, what the hell. "uhm dad, tom?" i walked into the living room and i saw my dad sitting on the couch with some beer and photos he had tears on his cheek and his eyes where red and fluffy. "dad what is going on" i took a seat beside him and looked at him for a while, he looked shocked that i was here and just stared at some picture's he had in his hand. I looked at the picture's and then knew what was happening. It was mom, the Picture's where from there wedding and there where some picture's from when they first met "dad you have to stop doing this to yourself" i tried to crab the picture's out of his hand but he wouldn't let me. "today is exaclty 30 years ago when i first met you're mother, i saw her at an party, it was the birthday party from you're uncle rob and he turned 20, you're mother was friends with his girlfriend of that time and she looked beautiful. She had exactly the same eyes as you and the same smile. Every guy felled for her, But she didn't care about them she had enough boy drama and hated boys at the moment. So i had to fight for her i asked for her number from her friend and i got it i called her 5 time's a day. and after a month i wanted to give up i thought i was crazy for falling for her when i dind't even know her, so i tried to forget her but after two weeks i got a call from her she wanted to get together i said yes and on that date she told me that she never had someone who kept fighting for her and that she wanted to get to know me, and we did" i felt tears falling down on my cheek, my dad really loved my mom and still does. "it's a good thing you kept calling her" he looked at me and nodded "my friends called me weird but i didn't care, i didn't know her i only knew her name... mia" i gave him a hug and he started crying again "it's okay dad, you don't have to cry" "i know, but sometimes livvy you just have to cry and i know you are strong and you don't cry much but sometimes it's good to cry" i nodded and then looked at the picture's again. It was true i hated crying, the last time i cried before this, was when martin broke up with me...


i saw ben sitting in the canteen and walked up to him "have you seen martin?" he took a deep sign, i knew he didn't like the guy. "i think he is in the libary" "thanks ben" i then gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked away , i was almost at the libary when i heard people making out in the hirstory classroom the door was unlocked and i turned around to walk away from it, i mean who does that that's just nasty! it's probably duke .. like always. I knew ben told me he was his old self again but honestly i didn't care i have spend way to much time caring and crying about that dude. But before i walked way from the classroom the girl screamed "YES MARTIN"

wait no...this can't be real i opened the classroom and then i saw martin making out with melissa she had no shirt on. Martin looked shocked when he saw me while melissa looked happy. It's like she wanted this too happen "YOU PIECE OF SHIT" "i can explain livvy" ha funny "you can explain martin really i would like to hear that, how do you wanna explain the fact that you're fucking that bitch in the hirstory classroom "  "did you just call me a bitch" for real is she really going to complain about that. "YES MELISSA I JUST CALLED YOU A BITCH AND YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE NOT ONLY A BITCH YOU'RE ALSO A WHORE" she then crabbed her phone out of nowhere and called someone... what the fuck?? "yeah hey daddy you have someone called Robert Allen working for you right?" oh no she didn't, i took a step to her and then smacked her in her face "LIVVY WHAT THE FUCK" "REALLY MARTIN YOU'RE ON HER SIDE? YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK YOU I'M DONE WITH YOU" melissa was crying and her eyes was red.. okay maybe i didn't had to smack her... okay yeah i did had to smack her. she fucked my boyfriend and she messed with my family. i turned and walked out of the classroom.

tears where falling down my face and then someone crabbed my arm "what the.." "okay livvy, listen to me. you're going to tell everybody i broke up with you" martin said... wait wtf is wrong with this dude. does he really think he can just fuck things up and ask me for something "why the fuck would you think i'm fine with that" "then i would take care of you're father" that son of a bitch " you know martin you really broke my heart" i thought he would give me a hug and say sorry but he just laughed at me "like i care" tears fell down my face and i really wanted to run up to duke and tell him everything but my father means everything to me he can't lose his job. "okay it's a deal you asshole" he nodded and then walked away i heard him laugh with one of his stupid friend and he said "oh yeah i broke up with that stupid bitch she is so annoying" that asshole... it's so weird that someone can act that good and can be so diffrent then you thought tears came down on my face again and then i heard ben screaming my name i turned around and i saw his smile change into worry the minute he saw me crying, he walked up to me and hugged me "what happend livvy" he then hugged me and as much as i love ben and he really is one if my best friends it didn't felt like one of duke's hugs and that was all i needed... duke


Martin left our school a week after that and went to another school, our school enemies now he is captain at the football team there and a real ladies man of what i heard. I cried a lot that week when he broke up with me but only two months later i found out that i wasn't sad about losing him i was sad about don't having duke to hug me or help me. i missed him and that was the reason  cried.. i never loved martin i did care about him tho and we did have a good year but i think i could never love him, this doesn't mean i forgive him that son of bitch betrayed me and with the one and only melissa the girl i hate the most of everyone in the world. He also seemed to be a real diffrent guy then i thought.. the guys helped me trough the break up but all i wanted is duke.. i think i then realized that i really did love duke. or maybe do i don't know...

i looked at my dad and realized he felt a sleep i picked up the photos and walked up stairs, tom had left a note on my desk saying that he would go to the game today... shit the game what time is it?  i looked on my phone and saw that i was half 2 that means the boys will come and get me soon i just crabbed a jersey and a pair of black jeans with it some nikes air max and a black snapback i hopped down stairs and heard the bell i opened the door too see two happy faces "ARE YOUUU READYYY" luke screamed a little too loud "SHHT" luke looked suprised and i closed the door behind me "my dad fell a sleep on the couch" they still looked suprised.. because my dad always works even  on saturday and sometimes sunday.  "yeah it's 30 years ago he met my mom so he is in a bad mood" they looked with sympathy "let's talk about omething good.. like the game!!" the both nodded and we stept into the car.

Picture of livvy's father Robert Allen on the right :)

you may remind him from hollywood heights.

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