Chapter four

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i opened my eyes and saw a guy standing infrond of me with a white coat on.. where the hell am i. "eey livvy you're awake" ben said while standing beside me, i nodded and then noticed the people in the room. There was Ben, Luke, marcus, Tom, my dad, nick, mike, jonathen, sander and my father the room was filled with people and they all stared at me. "what the hell" i said while looking at them one for one. "well she is back" tom said. some people laughed at that and then some of the guys left, so now only my father and ben where here. "what happend" "you got a black out when you where arguining with melissa and now whe are at the hospital" wait what how can i get a black out by talking to melissa "huh" "the docter said that you haven't eaten all day and on top of that melissa started about you're mom" well that explains it. I know i haven't eaten all day, i did that a lot and i know it's bad but because i'm so bizzy i have no time to eat. No that doesn't mean i starve myself or i don't like food. Because i love food and i'm a big eater and i would never starve myself i just never find the time to eat. and it has happend a couple of times that when someone mentioned my mom i didn't know what the do and something in my body just snapped, she was my weak point. "do you remember anything that happend" well to bad i did "yeah i do" ben seemed relieved and then left the room so i was left with my father, he looked less worried then some minutes ago. "princess you have to stop doing that" i nodded, i knew he was worried about me when something like that happened but i never knew how to stop it. "i'm sorry dad" "don't be sorry, i know she is you're weak point and i understand she is mine too" i nodded at him and he then left the room too, i took a deep sign and then closed my eyes. "i hope i'm not bothering you i just wanted to know if you're okay" a oh so familiar voice said, i opened my eyes and looked into two blue eyes. "i'm okay duke" "why where you arguining with melissa" "because she is a bitch" he grinned and nodded. "yeah..i know that" "well she doesn't know you know that because she is madly in love with you like all girls are at our school" "so you too" i gave him a glare and then grinned "nope, because i know too much about you" lie "yeah,you know everything about me" he stared at the ground and then looked me in the eye "livvy i missed you" there was silence for some seconds and i just looked at him. "i miss you too Duke, everyday"


i opened the door with my key, and putted my bags on the couch quietly, it was 2 am and everyone was a sleep. I walked up the stairs and opened my door, and just jumped into my bed and thought about tonight. When livvy blacked out we called 911 they came quick and me ben went with her straight to the hospital, me and the boys went too the hospital too and she turned out too be okay. I knew it was nothing bad what was going on but i was still worried. Her room was filled with people and we had too wait three hours untill she woke up. Everyone was relieved she was okay, and in the mean time her dad turned up also, i always had a good band with him and he is an amazing man he is like my second father. So we talked a little too and he asked me why i what happend between me and Livvy i told him i messed up. And he said i better make it up because lately she has been diffrent, i wonder what he meant with that. The docter said she hasn't eaten all day, that didn't sound like her. Livvy loved food, she would never starve herself. I asked Ben about it and he said that she is just always bizzy, that was true livvy never relaxed and because of the big match next saturday she has more things to do then ever. Livvy woke up when i was getting some coffee so when i went back too her room everyone was gone she was just closing her eyes when i started talking to her. She seemed suprised but she smiled at me so that meant something right, and when i said i missed her she said that she missed me too.. everyday. I didn't knew that, and that just gave me more energy too make up with her. We talked for two hours and then i had too leave i haven't laughed like that in a log time. Despite the circumstances it was a good night.

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