Chapter eight

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i opened my eyes to see a smiling tom infrond of me.. what the "tom what the fuck" "goodmorning to you to siss" i sat up and sighed "what's up bro" "i wanted to talk to you" i nodded "okay why" "beause i wanted to know if you could do something for me'' i looked at him curious ''what.." "can you make those brownies you always make hey are so good and my friends are coming by today" he said smiling "okay fine, but is dad fine with you're friends coming by?'' ''yeah he is also gone for the day' 'where is he going' 'he is already gone to see aunt mary and uncle marcus" i just nodded ''fine now go away let me rest" he then walked away.. my aunt and uncle live three hours away from us so when dad went to them he went for the whole day. I just stared at the ceiling and thought about last night.. it was fun to be around duke again just like old times. Maybe i could hang out with some friends today, i had no practise today well i did want to practise but last night i got a late night text from jone telling me that he couldn't make it today becaus he had drunk to much.. typical jone and i had no homework soo that seemed like a good idea "TOM I'M INVITNG MY FRIENDS TOO'' i screamed to him "OKAY YOU SHOULD INVITE DUKE" i thought about that for a second and then opened my window.. like old times i looked into my desk drawer and found a little stone i always had then laying there incase i wanted to talk to duke but this year i haven't used them... i then trew it to his window and after some minutes the window opened ''livvy??" duke looked confused but he was already dressed.. i looked at the time and saw that it was 10 am wow he is on time for once "you wanna come by today tom is inviting his friends and i'm inviting ben marcus and luke and you" i said smiling. he looked with his blue eye at me he looked happy and confused at the same time "what about you're dad i mean that are a lot of people" "he is gone for the day, so are you in?" "yeah sure" "okay" "so should i come over now" "yeah help me make my brownies" "YES YOU'RE BROWNIES I MISSED THOSE'' i laughed at his dorky face and then closed the window. I opened my closet and picket out a pair of short with a band shirt of all time low.. let's get this straight all band shirts i have i really do listen to does bands and yes i hate it when people wear band shirts if they don't listen to the band.. on the shirt stood " i wanna be weightless and that should be enough" with it i crabbed on of my snapbacks a black one with lakers on it.. yes i'm a lakers fan. I then heard the door bell and ran downstairs to see tom talking with duke ''dukeee wanna go to the supermarket to get stuff for my brownies?" he nodded "yeah sure" okay i opened the door again and stepped outside "see ya later bro" tom waved at us and then it was only me and duke on our way t the supermarket

we arrived at my place again and tom opened the door "GUYS WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN" "woa bro chill, you don't have to scream" yeah we've been a way for over an hour and we only had to get 4 things."NO WHY WHERE YOU GONE SO LONG" he looked at duke and me and duke smiled at him while having his hands on his ears "DUDE STOP SCREAMING AND WE WILL TELL YOU KAY?"duke said "okay" tom said while letting us in "sooo?" he looked at us curious "yeah on our way to the supermarket we saw that playground.. and uhm we wanted to go off the slide" duke said smiling. Tom looked at us with disbelief 'o my god you guys are like 4 years old" we all laughed "slides are cool don't judge" i said with a cheeky smile "well okay if it makes you sleep at night... now go make those brownies" "well excuces me what is the magic word" "unicorn" duke said dead serious i looked at tom and we both burst into laughters, after a couple of minutes of laughing tom recoverd from almost peeing in his pants and looked serious again "please livv" i nodded at him still laughing.

"sooo are you gonna help me" i asked duke while i did my dog face "LIVVY DON'T" "pretttyyyyy pleaseeee" "ugh okay" "i know you love me duke" he then laughed and shook his hand "you're annoying me" i turned around to get all the stuff "should we do an competition" duke said, he knew me so well i nodded and then crabbed two bowls "you make yours i make mine, deal?!" "deal" "MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOR" i screamed loud and duke just laughed.. he knew i'm obsessed with movies and books i mean you don't wanna know how much books i have it's freaking unbelievable. And i have watched almost every movie... from action movies to chick flicks..i watched them all my favorite movie is grease don't hate and i'm also obsessed with horror movies all my friends know it. And duke is exactly the same as me well he doens't read books but he is also obsessed with movies.

the door bell rang and duke looked at me "may the best win" tom opened the door and ben, luke and marcus walked in. Toms friend still ahd to come he invited his two best friends noah and jacob they are both cool but totally diffrent then my friends my brother is kind off a geek and is obessed with video games and so are his friends, but my brother has alway been a footballer too and his friends don't play sport..tom should be in collage but he is waiting a year to save money, His friends are in there first year of collage now and i sometimes feel bad for tom.. i mean it should suck to be stuck in home and have to work everyday for his age. "duke?" ben said he looked so confused to see us in the kitchen what i kind off understood i mean it is weird that i am having so much fun with duke while some days ago we didn't talk to each other "uuuhm hey guys" duke said shy, luke marcus and ben just looked at us we both had flour in our hair and his face was filled with chocolate and mine was probably too "where making brownies" luke snapped out of his thought and on his face came a big smile "OMG YES I HAVE WAITED FOR YOUR BROWNIES FOR SO LONG"luke screamed happy while looking at me. ben and marcus just laughed and then looked over at our plates what where filled with brownies "we are in a competition so you have to pick wich one is better, they all started laughing really hard including tom who was listenng from the living room "you do know duke that she is a master chef in making brownies" marcus said still laughing "yeaahh..." duke looked worried about his brownies and i just that moment the bell ring again and tom went to the door again i saw jacob and noah walking in to the living room and we walked behind them "oh hello everyone" noah said looking uncomfortable"you wanna play some fifa?" tom asked to noah and jacob they both nodded and took a seat and so did my friend. Duke and i layed our plates on the table and war started they all crabbed mine, and duke and i just laughed looking at them they looked liek homeless people "LIVVY THANK YOU OMG" noah started "OH DEAR GOD" marcus then said "I LOVE YOU" ben said to his brownie "IT IS LIKE AN ANGEL PIED ON MY TONG...WAIT IELL" luke said duke and i couldn't stop laughing. "THANKS SIS ILOVEU" tom said.. why do they all have to scream i'm not deaf when they finish my plate.. duke's plate was over they all stared at it and noah and jacob crabbed one brownie.. shit they probably don't know that duke can't cook for shit we all stared at them including duke who ahd a smile on his face "WHAT THE" they both screamed and we all started laughing really hard "sorry guys i shoul've tell you duke can't cook for shit" tom said. 'heeee" duke said faking like he was offended "oh you know you suck at cooking bro" tom said everyone nodded .. including duke.

"it was fun see y'all tomorrow" i said to ben,marcus and luke while hugging they all said goodbye to duke and i closed the door "so what are we going to do now?" i asked at duke. Tom left to a collage party an hour ago with his friends and it was now around nine "we haven't eaten yet" i said "let's order some pizza" "yess" "same as always" duke asked me and i just nodded "should i pick a movie?" "of course" I went up stairs to pick a movie but decided to put my panda onesie on i then picked a movie and went downstairs. "HIYA" i screamed to duke he turned around and started to laugh "omg hahahahaha i love that onesie" "you have one to right? or doesn't it fit anymore" "it still fits wait i'm gonna go get it" befor ei could say something he stormed out of my house what a dork i thought while smiling i layed on the couch and putted the dvd on, after some minutes i heard someone knock on the door... duke i opened the door to see duke wearing a bird onesie. I started laughing and duke joined me, i invited him in and layed down on the couch he layed down to and just looked at me "let me guess... grease?" i just smiled "maybee..." he started laughing and i just grinned and started the movie.

"goo grease lightnin' you're burning up the quarter mile" duke and i sang "grease lightnin oh grease lightnin, go grease lightnin you're coastintrough the heat lap trials" we wanted to sing furter but we heard a knock on the door "must be the pizza guy, he is late" duke said and stood up i followed him because pizza is my thing, duke opened the door and we saw a guy from around our age opening the door i thought i knew him but wasn't sure "DUKE MAN" the guy said and duke did this hand shake with him.. but he forgot he had a onesie on and me to. The guy stared at us and just laughed "you look adorable" he said winking at me "well thank you" duke said joking, the guy laughed and then give us the pizza, duke gave him the money and said goodbye "who the hell was that?" "i don't know" duke said i laughed at him and opened the pizza box i crabbed to plates and walked to the couch again "i really missed this" i nodded "me to duke" i then started the movie again.

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