chapter thirteen

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Another chapter woohoo :)



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well there's no way out of this

so let's stay in

every storm that comes, also comes to an end

Oh, resistance is useless

Just two kids stupid and fearless

like a bullet shooting the love-sick

there's only one way down this road


*DUKE'S P.O.V." 

''WOOOOHOOOO YES''  screamed walking away from the bench i ran up to livvy and hugged her ''YOU WON HOLLY SNITZEL'' i shouted again ''yes'' she nodded with a big smile on her face. tom raced up to us and hugged livvy tight ''i am so proud of you'' livvy couldn't stop smiling and hugged him back ''thanks little bro'' i knew tom hated it when she called him little bro but this time he didn't say anything ''livv you did so good for realz'' ben said coming up he looked a lot happier then two hours ago and had screamed way to much for my ears to handle, i think i have a peep in my ears ''livvy we have to celebrate this'' i said smiling at her, livvy nodded and so did ben ''yes we should go out tonight'' ben said ''but da-'' before livvy could finish her sentence tom interupt ''i take care of dad tonight you should have fun tonight with you're friends'' tom said grinning ''when did you came so sweet'' livvy said sarcastic ''are you teling me i have never been sweet to you'' tom said giving her a glare ''jup i said that yeah'' livvy said cheeky i smiled at them they had a really good relationship i wish i had such a good realtionship with my family.. ''so should i pick you up tonight? we can go to that new club'' ben said after a couple of seconds of silence ''yeah sure'' ''we should ask if max can come'' i said to livvy, she nodded ''yeah we can ask him now'' i turned around and saw max coming up ''LIVVY YOU DID IT MAN'' he said hugging her ''MAX I CAN'T BREATH'' max grinned and let lose of her ''you should celebrate'' max said i chuckled and max looked at me confused ''yeah we already decided to do that we wanted to ask you with us'' livvy said ''oh okay what place?'' ''that new one i forgot the name..'' ben said ''oh you mean the supp'' ben nodded ''what a weird name'' i said and livvy nodded ''yeah i think so to'' i high fived her and we went back in the conversation ''so anywho should i be there around ten i have to go to family diner before that'' max said ''okay'' we all said and max walked away again ''so should we go home'' i looked at tom and livvy and they nodded ''yeah we should'' ''i have to go to see you guys tonight'' we said goodbye and then walked out of the gym


I walked to my room to get dressed in a hour duke would arrive, ben luke and marcus where picking us up. I was so excited for tomnight i knew nothing could ruin this day, i was now the female best boxer of the country and it felt amazing.. tonight is gonna be so much fun. I opened my closet and looked in it what should i wear.. i wanted to wear something special for tonight i mean hell no i'm not gonna wear a dress i don't even think i own any dresses but i wanted to do my hair and make up good tonight so for me that was a big step.

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