Lose My Mind

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Part One

Laura's POV

I looked into his eyes, knowing that after tonight he wouldn’t be able to forget about me, I have that effect of people, and I love it!

“Max I’ve got to get going now.” I say smiling at him.

“Please don’t go.” He begs, but I just laugh and walk away. I don’t turn around but I can sense his eyes on my back never leaving me until I’m around the corner and out of site.

“Your turn next, his mate's called Tom." I smile knowingly at my best mate Anne and she returns my killer smile before walking back the way I just came.

Tom’s POV

“Mate snap out of it”, I laugh. “I know you believe in love at first sight and all that, but this is ridiculous.”

“No it’s not! She’s amazing!” He replies clearly getting annoyed with me.

“Alright Max calm down you spoke to her for like two seconds.”  Just then I feel someone tap me on my shoulder, and I turn to meet eyes with the most beautiful girl in the world, all other thoughts but her leave my mind.

“You shouldn’t take the mickey out of your friend like that it’s mean.” Her voice sounds like music, and before I realise it I find myself nodding in agreement.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“It’s okay Tom, don’t worry about it.” How does she know my name? “I’ll see you around.” She says, and just like that she’s gone. I didn't even get a name.

Shannen’s POV

“Hello.” I say while picking my phone up.

“It’s your turn.” Anne, says while laughing; and I join in.

“Two down three to go. See you later Anne." I put my phone down and look around me, who should I pick? I want someone good looking, they are always the best. That’s when I spy a tall dark and handsome man walking away from me. How cliché is that? I stand up and begin following him, I don’t have to worry about losing site of him, and even if I did he would stand no chance of escape.

Sarah’s POV

“What about those two over there?” I whisper while pointing with my chin towards two boys.

“Are you sure they’re not gay?” Michaela says as a joke, although you could see it being a possibility.

“Babe, please even if they were, they would fall for us. See you in a bit.” I walk over to the boy’s table and take a seat before looking in the curly haired boy’s eyes. “My friend over there has a little crush on you, I think you should go and say hello.” I say to him while smiling, and of course he gets up and goes to do just that.

“Jay, where are you going?” The other one asks clearly confused by what he has just seen, that is when I turn the power of my gaze on him.

“Don’t worry about your friend he’s going to have a great time.” I say and flash my teeth in yet another smile. “So what’s your name?” I ask politely.

“Nathan.” He replies, his eyes never leaving mine.

“Well Nathan it was nice seeing you tonight, how about we do this another time soon?”

“I would love that.”

“Good, well I’ll see you around.” I get up out of my seat and begin walking home, smiling to myself as I am happy with the nights work.

Michaela's POV

“Hello.” Jay says as he walks towards me in a trance.

“Hello.” I smile at him and he is instantly at ease.  “How are you Jay?”

“I’m good thank you, how are you?”

“I’m great thank you, but I really must be going, I’ll see you again soon. “

“Do you have to go?” He asks sadly as I get up and walk away, I nod once.  I feel his gaze on my back, and his disappointment that I am leaving so soon, but like I said, it won’t be long until he sees me again. 

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