Part Seven

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Tom’s POV

I only just make it back to mine before the boys arrive. And it’s clear straight away that we’re not going out. Jay and Nath are in no fit state.

“How is everyone?” I ask, trying to start a conversation. Max and Siva quickly join in but it’s going to take more to get Nathan and Jay to talk.

Max’s POV

“I’m great thanx mate, I had a good night.” I say in reply and smile at Tom. Between the two of us and Seev we are going to have to convince the other two that there’s no reason to be scared of, or hate the girls. “Laura is amazing. I can’t wait to see her again.”

“All of the girls are amazing.” Siva continues, getting a reaction from Nath at last. He laughs ironically;

“Amazing girls? They’re all killers. They have killed innocent people, does that not bother you?”

Siva’s POV

I glance over at Jay, the poor guy looks like he’s going to be sick and Nathan isn’t helping.

“That’s in the past. I’m not saying it’s right but they have been brought up to believe that it is right, and now they are beginning to realise that it’s not. With our help they can change completely...”

“A leopard can’t change its spots.” He cuts in. He’s usually so open minded, why can’t he be now?

“I need some fresh air.” Jay exclaims before jumping up and running for the door, Max quickly follows him. Good. I don’t think he should be on his own right now.

Jay’s POV

“I want to be on my own right now.” I say to Max as he begins following me back to my house. Just as I say that a movement in the shadows causes me to jump, and Max gently puts his arm around my shoulders. And I’m grateful he didn’t leave.

“It’s just a cat mate.” And he’s right, but I’m on edge right now, and that’s perfectly understandable.

“Michaela's not going to hurt you Jay. None of them are.” Like he knows what any of them are thinking.

“And how do you know that?”

“Because she’s already proven it to you.”

“What? I ask confused.

“When Michaela asked how she could prove it to you, you told her she had to let you leave. And she did Jay. As much as it hurt her to do so, and as much as she wanted you to stay. She let you leave, because you wanted to." That’s true.  But it means nothing.

“She’s just dragging it out. She wants more fun.”

“No Jay. She wants you to trust her, she wants you. she loves you.” And I wanted her so badly before I knew more about her. I’m afraid. I’m afraid of her. I’m afraid of what she’s going to do to me. But I’m also afraid of losing who could be the best thing to ever happen to me. Maybe, just maybe I should go back with one of the boys to meet her again. After all if she does want to hurt me, not being in the same room as her isn’t going to save me. She would find me. And one way or another surely it’s better to get things over with? I can’t live like this.

Nathan’s POV

I’m angry. I’m angry at her and the rest of them, for what they have done. I’m angry at Max, Tom and Siva for not caring about their past and giving into them so easily. And I’m angry at myself, because after everything I know, I can’t get Sarah out of my head, and I want to be with her again. Jay’s the only sane one out of all of us, yet I can’t wish I was like him, because for him he’s in the middle of hell. Welcome to reality Bird. Tom must be able to partly tell what I’m thinking because his next comment helps make my mind for me.

“You can help change her Nath. You can save her. Save people. Just give her the chance to prove she’s worth saving. That she’s willing to change.”  When did Tom get so wise? Wrong question. He's always been wise. When did I start listening to what he had to say?

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