Part Fifteen

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Michelle’s POV

I walk across to the wardrobe and pull out an old shoe box; I open it and pull out the beautifully carved wooden stake, and run my hand up and down its smooth edges.  Veronica has one exactly the same, and we have come to rely on them so much in the past. And they have never let us down. It takes a lot of strength and courage to stake a vampire through the heart, but the rewards are worth it. Thanx to us lots of humans are still living and unaware of the horrors of the world. We live for what we do, and will be doing it until the day we die.

“Ready for phase one?” Veronica asks me. I nod and begin putting the stake away. Time to make ‘friends’ with the vampires.

Sarah’s POV

“Hey.” I say, taking a seat beside the young man who is all alone in the woods. I take a deep breath to try and steady my nerves. I can do this. For Nathan I can do this.

“Hey.” His smile turns to confusion as I lean towards his neck, my canines extending, not that he can see that. I bite into his neck and feel the warm blood flow into my mouth. It tastes amazing, but I manage to stop myself from giving into the pleasure for if I do that I will never be able to stop drinking.  I take what I need to quench my thirst and then I pull away. I did it! I actually did it!

“You don’t remember anything. I was never here.” I say looking deep into the boys eyes.

“I don’t remember anything. You were never here.” He says, and I’m gone out of sight before he finishes talking. I actually did it!

Laura’s POV

I’m sitting in a cafe with Michaela when two girls I haven’t seen before approach us. They must be new to town. I smile at them as they continue walking towards us.

“Sorry to bother you.” One of the girls begins. “But we’re staying in town for a while but the hotel just across the road is two expensive for us, we were wondering if you knew of anywhere cheaper?” 

“I’m not sure sorry.” I say looking across at Michaela who also shakes her head. “But why don’t you stay with us for a bit? We only have one spare room, but it’s free of charge. You wouldn’t mind would you Michaela?”

“Of course not.” She smiles at the girls.

“Oh no, we couldn’t possibly do that.” Says the other girl.

“Don’t be silly. We don’t bite.” Did I just imagine that or did one of the girls smirk slightly at the bite comment? I think to myself before continuing. “Laura.” I say holding out my hand.

“I’m Michelle and this is Veronica.” The first girl says to me. “And thank you so much, we’ll go and get our stuff now.”

“No problem.” I say while writing our address down on a napkin and handing it to Michelle.

Veronica’s POV

I can’t believe it! We only wanted to start a conversation and now we’re moving in! Moving in with the enemy... Not that they know that. I begin packing my stuff, making sure that the stake is safely hidden and not likely to fall out anywhere. In order to get out of this alive we need to make sure the vampires know nothing about us until it’s too late for them. They get the slightest hint of what we are and it’s good bye veronica and Michelle. I shudder slightly at the thought of it, but we will be fine. We have never gotten into any trouble before, but then again we have never taken such a big risk before...

Michaela’s POV

“Hello.” I say while letting mine and Laura’s guests into the house. I’m a bit on edge, there’s something weird about them, although I’m not quite sure what. But as far as I’m concerned this is the best way of keeping an eye on them. Laura and I will be able to hear everything either of them says within the house; so they won’t be able to keep any secrets, and they are definitely human so they are of no danger to us. “Your room is this way.” I say and lead them up the stairs to the room at the far end of the corridor, meaning if there was anything off about them they would have to pass both mine and Laura’s bedrooms.  I see the girls pass a look between them as they realise this and it raises my suspicions even more. Who are these girls; and what are they up to?

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