Part Sixteen

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Anne’s POV

“Hey Tom.” I say nervously while still stood in the doorway.

“I didn’t think you were coming back!” He says, his whole face lighting up.

“I shouldn’t have. It’s selfish of me.”

“No it’s not. Anne I love you, I wanted you to come back. I’m glad you did.” He comes towards me and holds me tight. It feels great to be in his arms again, to see life back in his body. I still feel that it’s better for him without me. Safer. But I can’t find the strength to leave him again. I need him too much.

“I love you Tomtom.”

“I love you too Anne.” He replies, and then his lips are on mine, and I can’t believe I ever thought about leaving him.

Shannen’s POV

It’s now or never. All of the other girls have managed to feed without killing now, and now it’s my turn to try. I haven’t spoken to Sarah since she said she was going to try but I know that deep down she has been able to do it. She knows how much Nathan is against it all, and we all know that he would leave her if she did kill someone again, so there was no way she was going to not be able to stop. And now there’s me. I’m stood in my kitchen making some stranger coffee to buy myself time while I think about Siva. How proud he will be if I can do this, how happy he will be for me, and then his disappointment if I don’t manage to stop in time. Still thinking about Siva I walk back into the living room empty handed.

“Where’s the coffee?” The boy laughs. I don’t know his name I don’t know anything about him, I thought it would make this easier. My first mistake. Maybe if I knew more about him, it would be easier to stop? Easier to picture him as a human being rather than my next meal. Too late now Shannen just get on with it.

Laura’s POV

“There’s something strange about these girls.” I say quietly to Michaela while Veronica and Michelle are upstairs sorting their room out.

“Yeah I know, but they’re only human. Just keep an eye on them and everything will be fine.”

“You don’t think they know about us do you? I mean there are a lot of stories about humans wanting to become vampires.”

“They can’t know about us.” Michaela says. “We’re too careful, and they only just got here.” That’s when it dawns on me that they could actually know about us.

“Michaela there was one time we weren’t so careful.” I whisper and I can tell by the look on her face that she has realised when I mean.

“That conversation in the cafe, the day we met them.” We both say together.

Veronica’s POV

“Thanx again for this.” I say while walking into the living room. “We’ll be back a bit later; we’re just going for a look around.” I smile at the two vampires and they smile back almost uneasily? I put it to the back of my mind before leaving the house with Michelle to discuss things. It’s nothing to be worried about. Everything will be over soon enough.

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