Part Twelve

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Laura’s POV

I wake up still in Max’s bed and he still has his arms wrapped around my waist as he holds me tightly against his body. I stay lying where I am, too happy to move from the warm comfy position that I am in, when Max suddenly begins to wake up, so I turn around to face him.

“How can you look this hot first thing in the morning?” I laugh self consciously; no girl looks good first thing in the morning. Ever.

“I think you're seeing things babe.”

“I think you need to believe me.” He replies before closing the small remaining distance between us and beginning to kiss me. Now this is what I want to wake up to every morning!

Anne’s POV

I look down at Tom and the tears begin to fall. I have done this to him; he believed in me and I proved him wrong. I only managed to pull away when he fainted. Thankfully he’s still breathing, but it’s too late for us. He’s going to hate me now and I don’t blame him. I hate me.

“I’m so sorry Tom.” I whisper while trying to decide whether or not I should leave now, before he wakes up. I know I won’t be able to stand the look on his face when he opens his eyes. Will he be afraid, disgusted or even both? But even though it will cut like a knife I can’t leave him.  I care too much and I need to stay with him until he wakes up, it’s the only way I won’t go out of my mind with worry, like I am currently doing now. Why did I agree to try it? I thought it was going to end badly, but Tom has a way of getting into my head, of making me think I’m invincible; too bad I forgot he isn’t; I think sarcastically.

Michaela’s POV

Last night had been amazing, well right up to the point that I had to leave to feed it had been. I spent the time in Jay’s arms as we got to know each other inside out. He’s very clumsy which unfortunately for him is going to stand out even more if he’s going to start hanging around with a bunch of vampires! And he loves Avatar; a film which I have promised to watch with him soon as I have never seen it. He was very shocked by that, and can I just say he’s very cute when shocked!

“Hey bird.” I smile picking up my phone and answering it.”

“Good morning beautiful.” Jay’s voice sends shivers down my spine, and I smile brightly knowing that I must have been one of the first things he thought of this morning as it’s still only early.

“Guess what babe!” I know the sudden change of subject could be considered rude and ungrateful given the circumstances, but I can’t keep my good news to myself any longer. 

“What?” He asks, his voice full of curiosity.

“I didn’t kill that guy last night Jay! I did it! I controlled myself and only took what I needed!” I say proudly.

“Babe that’s amazing!” Jay practically shouts down the phone, and the fact that he is proud of me makes me feel even better.

“It’s because of you Jaybird. I was thinking about you the whole time and how I have to be good enough for you! I love you Jay.”

“I love you too Michaela, I’m so proud of you!”

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