Part Twenty One

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Michelle’s POV

“How’s you head?” I ask as we get back into our room, not quite able to believe that we’re still alive. I guess it just goes to show that not all vampires are like we were lead to believe.

“I feel alright now thank you.”

“Good I’m glad. I don’t see any point in hanging around here any longer though, do you?”

“No, let’s go home.” Veronica smiles at me. Home. The first time we will actually be going home and staying there without thinking about when we will next be leaving unsure if we will return. I’m looking forward to it.

Michaela’s POV

“Jay.” I say while standing awkwardly behind him. I can’t believe we’re back here again.

“I didn’t expect you to follow me.”

“How could I not? Jay I don’t want you to hate me again.”

“Babe, I don’t hate you.” He replies turning to face me. “I get what you had to do, but that doesn’t mean I wanted to watch it.”

“Really? I ask feeling myself relax.

“Really.” Jay smiles.

“You ready to go back now then?” I ask, reaching out towards him with a hand.

“Will everything be over now?” He asks unsure.

“Yeah, Laura’s nicer than me; they’re probably still alive, just under compulsion. “

“Good I’m glad.” He replies before taking my hand.

Veronica’s POV

“Thank you for the offer Laura, but we’ve decided to go home.” I say as Michelle and I descend the stairs carrying our bags.

“You’re welcome.” She smiles at us, as we head towards the door; I’m just about to step out as Michaela walks through the door. I edge backwards letting her get in.

“I’m sorry about your head.” She says to me, and she does genuinely seam sorry, but that’s not enough for me to relax around her. I nod my head politely at her before carrying on my way.  

“Bye Laura.” Michelle and I say as she closes the door behind us.

Anne’s POV

“Where have you girls been?” I laugh as Laura and Michaela join us at mine. Me nor any of the other girls have seen them in the last couple of days.

“We had a bit of an interesting situation.” Laura smiles.

“Meaning?” I ask intrigued.

“We had a few hunters staying with us that we had to take care off.”

“Oh my god. Really?” I say clearly shocked.

“Yeah, everything’s sorted now; they’ve decided to give up on that hobby.” Michaela says, making us all laugh.

“Well that’s good.” I smile

Shannen’s POV

“I was worried something like this was going to happen.” I say frowning drawing the attention away from Anne.

“What do you mean? Sarah asks.

“There’s too many of us here; we draw too much attention to ourselves. They might have left but it wont stop others coming after us.” I watch as what I’m saying dawns on everyone’s faces. We can’t all stay here, it’s time we went our separate ways, I think sadly. Everyone’s silent as we think through leaving our hometown but then a though occurs to me.

“We can turn this into a positive thing. Sarah can stay here because she already lives with Nath, but we can use this as an excuse to get our boys to move in with us.” I smile, instantly cheering the other girls up. Besides we can still visit each other, it’s not like we’ll never see each other again.

*1 Week later*

Sarah’s POV

“Make me a cuppa babe?” Nath shouts from the living room.

”This is the last time, then you’re making it!” I shout back. Making him laugh; he knows full well I’ll make him tea when ever he asks.  I take the drink into the living room and sit on his lap.

“I want something in return first.” I say cheekily. Nathan gets the idea and leans forward to kiss me before taking the cup off me.

“Thank you Sarah.” He smiles, making me smile too, he has the most beautiful smile and even after living with him for years I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it.

Laura’s POV

Living in a town without the girls is a lot quieter than life before Max and I moved away, but I prefer it that way. I have more time for Max now and that suits us both perfectly. Waking up besides him in the morning and feeling asleep besides him at night is how I want to spend the rest of our time together.

“Babe, I’ve got a present for you.” Max says, pulling me away from my thoughts as I jump up and run towards him excited. I take the small box he hands me and open it, before my eyes lies a beautiful silver necklace.

“Thank you Max, it’s lovely.” I smile while turning around so that he can place the necklace around my neck. Once he fastens it, I turn back to face him, take his face in my hands and kiss him once on the lips.

“I love you Max.”

Michaela’s POV

“Nooo.” I moan as Jay pulls me onto the sofa, ever since moving in with him it seams that all we do is watch Avatar. Don’t get me wrong it’s a great film, but when you’ve watched it as many times as I have it kind of kills it.

“You love it really.” Jay replies while holding me close and kissing my neck.  Maybe if I could just distract him, then I wouldn’t have to watch the film... I turn my body slightly so that I’m facing him and run one hand through his curls, before kissing him.  “Don’t you go thinking I don’t know what you’re trying to do.” He says smirking at me. “We can watch the film and then have fun after.” I stick my tongue out at him, making him laugh before turning my eyes back to the T.V.

“Jay McGuiness, you defiantly know how to treat a women.” I sigh, pretending to be annoyed.

“It’s a good job we love each other.” He says and I can hear the smile in his voice.  

Anne’s POV

“I like living with you.” Tom says cheekily while pushing me backwards onto the bed, and I have to say I agree with him. Getting to do this every night makes me a very happy girl.

“You’re a lucky man Tom Parker.” I say while running my hands over his abs, as he begins to undress me. He kisses my body as I give into the pleasure; he defiantly knows what he’s doing and to be truthful it’s me that’s lucky not him. We pause slightly due to anticipation as our naked bodies lie on top of each other. We both sigh happily as he moves closer towards me...

Shannen’s POV

Lying in bed in on SIva's chest in his arms  as he plays with my hair is the happiest I have ever been. I feel so safe and secure, but even better than all that Siva makes me feel almost human again. He gives me something to live for. I close my eyes and settle down preparing to sleep, the rhythmic movement of Siva’s fingers against my hair luring me to sleep.  

“I love you Shannen.” Siva whispers  as I feel my breathing slowing. And I know now that this moment in time is what my whole life has been leading up to. It doesn’t get any better than this.

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