Part Thirteen

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Anne’s POV

“Tom, I’m so sorry.” I whisper as soon as he opens his eyes. And in his way of reply he smiles at me. Why is he smiling at me?

“Anne.” He says while sitting up, but that’s as far as he gets.

“I’ll be going now, don’t worry about seeing me again. I really am sorry I didn’t mean for this to happen.” I get up to leave but Tom stops me.

“Please don’t go.”

“Why do you want me to stay?” I ask. “Look what I did to you!”

“I’m fine.” Tom laughs. Seriously? How is he even finding this funny?

“Fine? You’ve just been unconscious for the past two hours!”

“But I’m alive, you’ve never been able to leave someone alive before Anne, don’t you see this is an improvement.” He had a point there, but none of the kills have ever hurt me as much as today, because today I hurt someone I care about. “Please don’t beat yourself up about this?” Tom asks while coming towards me for a cuddle but I just push him away. I can’t trust myself not to hurt him again.

“See you later Tom.” I say and leave the house before he can try to stop me again.

Michelle’s POV

“We’re already booked into a hotel.” I say to Veronica, as we arrive at the town that’s going to be our home for the next part of our lives. How long we’ll be here neither of us know. We’ve got a job to and depending on how well we do it, it could take weeks or it could take months. You can never be to careful in our line of work, but you have to take risks as well other wise your aim will become an impossibility.

“Let’s go and get settled then take a look around.” She says to me because there are people around; but what she really means is; let’s go and get settled then have a look for anything suspicious. I nod in agreement before leading the way into our hotel.

Shannen’s POV

“I’m coming!” I shout to Anne as she continually knocks on my door, this isn’t like her at all, I hope nothing bad has happened. However as soon as I open the door I know that something has; the tears streaming down Anne’s face are a clear giveaway. Anne never cries. Trying to remain calm I lead her into the living room and settle her onto the sofa.

“Anne what’s wrong?” I ask, wondering if I actually want to hear the answer. “What’s happened?”

“I’ve...I’ve done something very bad.” She says,” gently rocking herself backwards and forwards slightly.

“I’m sure it’s not that bad.” I say and Anne turns to look at me before whispering:

“It really is.” Tears still falling down her cheeks, and I feel a chill run down my spine.

“Why don’t you take it slowly then? What were you doing before this terrible thing?”

“Me and Tom went back to his and we slept together.” She pauses and I wait for her to continue although it’s soon apparent that she won’t.

“And then what?” I ask soothingly.

“And then I got hungry.”

“So you went to find someone to feed from and accidently killed them? Anne he knows how hard it is for you, I’m sure he’ll understand.”

“No, it wasn’t that.”

“So what happened Anne?” She takes a deep breath before answering.

“Tom convinced me to feed from him.” Oh no, no please tell e I heard her wrong. It’s suddenly as if I’ve become a spectator in my own life, it’s as if I’m watching a horror movie; but this is my life and this is no movie.”

“Anne, is he dead?” I ask, half dreading the answer.

“No!” I sigh from relief, I wasn’t even aware I had been holding my breath until now.

“Then what’s the problem? He obviously wanted you too.”

“The problem is I nearly killed him! I so nearly didn’t stop, he was getting weaker in my arms and I still couldn’t stop! He was unconscious for hours and it was entirely my fault!”

“Is he okay now?” I ask, worried again.

“Yes.” Thank God for that. I pick up my phone to call Max, knowing that he is the closet to Tom, and ask him to go round to Tom’s and make sure he’s still okay; before reaching over to Anne.

“Come here.”

Veronica’s POV

“Michelle, let’s call it a day. I’m hungry.” We have been walking around the town for all day now, looking for anything suspicious, without any luck. The only thing outside of the normal everyday shoppers and children in the park that we saw, was a girl clearly upset and in a hurry to get somewhere. Although physically she looked fine and unafraid so we didn’t find it worth investigating.

“Yeah I agree.” Michelle sighs. “Hopefully tomorrow will bring us some luck.

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