Part Nine

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Max’s POV

“The girls have invited us all to go out with them tonight, Jay and I have agreed to go, anyone else?” Siva and Tom agree that they will come but Nath remains quiet. Maybe things didn’t go so well with Sarah earlier. “Nathan what about you?” I ask him. He turns to look at me as id he’s only just aware of the conversation.  I wonder what they talked about. “Are you coming out with us and the girls tonight?”

“Oh, right, yeah I will.”


I leave the room to go and get ready, I am about to enter my room when I realise that someone has followed me.

“What do you want Siva?” I ask while turning around to face him.

“Everything alright Nath?” I nod in the way of a reply hoping that he will leave it there. But he doesn’t.

“What happened between you and Sarah this morning?”

“She cried. A lot. And it’s all my fault. I made her feel like crap and now I feel almost as bad.” I say while running a hand through my hair. Why does he have to be so caring?

“I’m sure it’s not your fault mate, and she still wants to see you tonight, so don’t beat yourself up about it."

“It was my fault! I guilt tripped her about her past I wanted to make her feel bad. I wanted to hurt her for killing all those people. But I was wrong about her, and I judged her, I didn’t realise how bad she already felt and now she feels worse!” I half shout before turning into my room and slamming the door. Great. Now I’ve pissed Siva off too.

Siva’s POV

I sigh as the door slams in my face. Well I tried to help him, what more can I do? I leave Nathan to it and head to my own room to get changed, I’m looking forward to tonight. I can’t wait to see Shannen again.  Once dressed I head downstairs to meet up with the rest of the guys. Everyone is here and ready except Nathan. Surprise, surprise.

“Anyone seen Nathan?” I ask already knowing what their answer is going to be.

“No, not since you both went upstairs earlier. Max says. “Is everything okay?”

“Nathan was very vocal about Sarah’s past; she got upset about it, now he’s blaming himself. I’ll go see if he’s coming.” I walk back up the stairs knowing what Nathan’s answer is going to be. But I have to try. I knock on his door, only to receive no answer, which is hardly surprising given how loud his music is right now. So I turn the handle enter the room, and walk over to the stereo before turning the music off. 

“What was that for?” He asks clearly still angry, although whether he’s angry at me or him I’ll never know, although I’ guessing the second one.

“We’re leaving now, you coming?”


“She wants to see you Nath.”

“No she doesn’t. She hates me and I don’t blame her.”

“Did she say that?”

“She didn’t have to.” I give up.

“I’ll see you later Nath.” I say and with that I turn and leave without a backwards glance. 

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