Part Seventeen

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Sarah’s POV

“Nathan!” I shout while running into his flat like an excited little girl on Christmas morning.

“Hey gorgeous.” He says while laughing. “Where the fire?”

“Thank you so much!” I say while jumping into arms.

“Thank you?” He asks, getting more confused.

“Yeah! For being so hard on me.  I fed and the person is still alive! It’s all thanx to you. I knew I’d lose you if I didn’t stop so I was actually able to.” I say all in one breath and then I stop talking as tears begin forming in my eyes.

“I’m so proud of you baby! I knew you could do it.” And I can tell that he means every word, and it makes the struggle to stop so worth it. I’m never going back to being a killer and I can never repay Nathan for making me a better person.

 Shannen’s POV

Blood fills my mouth and is it just my imagination or does it actually taste better than normal? I try to shake the thought from my mind but it’s not working.  The only thing I can think about is the taste of the gorgeous liquid filling my body and warming from the inside out. How the others found the strength to stop I don’t know, but I need to find it. And fast. Before it’s too late, before I let everyone down.

Michelle’s POV

“It’s better to do it sooner rather than later. I don’t like being in the same house as them, and I especially don’t like leaving the stakes unguarded in the house. It’s too risky.” I nod in agreement. I was just thinking exactly the same thing. I didn’t want to leave the stakes either but we would never have gotten them out of the house and back in again without the vampires seeing them. Rule number two of vampire hunting. Never refer to vampires by name; you could start to see them as people; which they definitely are not.  This rule is second only to ‘never let your guard down.’ The main reason why Veronica and I are still alive.

“Tonight?” I ask.

“Tonight.” Veronica agrees.

Michaela’s POV

I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. I can’t believe that two girls have me so paranoid that I am going through their things!  I don’t even know why I’m doing it, I don’t know what I’m looking for,  just something out of the ordinary.  I pick up two shoeboxes to move them out of the way when I feel something roll inside of them both. Curious I take a look inside and I swear my heart would have stopped beating had it not already been still. Stakes. They’re hunters. They’re dead. But first I want answers. How did they find us?

Laura’s POV

“I can’t believe you actually went through their things.” I laugh as Michaela walks into the living room.  

“It’s a good thing I did.” Her tone of voice instantly has me intrigued, so I turn away from the TV to look at her and can’t quite believe what I’m seeing.

“Are those what I think they are?” I ask slowly. Michaela nods once and without thinking I’ve taken them out of her hands and have thrown them into the fire.  We both watch as they burn until there’s nothing left but flames and ash. But still, we don’t relax. “Let them come in and go to their room without them suspecting that we know anything and then they’re trapped.” I say, and I see Michaela nod in agreement.

Michelle’s POV

I know it’s silly and I know that the stakes will still be in the shoe boxes were we left them but I wont be able to relax until I see them still safely there. Opening the wardrobe nothing seems out of place but picking up the shoeboxes I can tell they’re not in there. I feel sick and start to shake slightly. They can’t know. Please god don’t let them know.

“Veronica have you moved what was in the shoe boxes?” I ask, unable to keep the panic out of my voice.

“No.” It’s clear in hers too. I can’t believe this is happening, all these years we have been so careful. One mistake that’s all it needs and then everything’s over. “What do we do?” she whispers, her face so pale she too could be one of the vampires standing between us and the only escape route.

“What can we do?” I ask in despair. 

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