Part Five

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Max’s POV

Vampires exist? I think while slowly backing away from Laura. She doesn’t look dangerous, but then again she didn’t look like a vampire either; until I saw those... fangs. My whole world has just been thrown upside down. Vampires exist.

“Are you going to kill me now?” I ask her while looking her in the eyes. Showing I’m scared won’t save me now, if this is what she has planned.

“Max.” She says clearly upset by something. “’I’m not going to hurt you. I love you; I don’t think I could live without you. Vampires fall for people, hard and fast. And I’ve fallen for you.” I don’t reply, thinking through my options. Before I found out what she was I wanted her, but... Does this change anything? She’s still the person I knew five minuets ago, I just know more about her now. I guess only time will tell if I can look past this or not. I’m so confused so the stupidity of my next comment is no surprise.

“What about the sun?” Laura laughs are me before answering.

“What were you expecting? Sparkles or burning?” I shrug.

“I don’t know just, something.”

“Well first things first, Twilight’s no further from the truth than Dracula. But burning was the original myth made up by vampires a long, long time ago. Sun doesn’t affect us any differently to you, but if humans believe it does, they don’t suspect us.”




“Max, the only thing that affects us any differently is love. When we fall in love it’s for ever. We find soul mates.”

“And that’s me?”

“That’s you.”

Shannen’s POV

“Well say something then.”

“What do you say when the girl you like tells you she’s a vampire?” Siva asks me, and I smile. He likes me too.

“Good point. You’re not afraid of me then?”

“Of course not. You’re still the same girl I have been spending time with recently.” This makes me smile too, I was really worried he was going to go running and screaming out the door the minuet I told him. “Are the other four girls like you?”

“Yeah, that’s how I know them. I wonder how the other guys are taking things. I can’t imagine them going much better than this.”

“Of course not, they’re not with you.”

“Now that was cheesy.” I laugh while pulling Siva towards me for a kiss.

Sarah’s POV

“I’m going to go now.”

“Nathan wait.” I say while reaching out for his hand, but he pulls it out of my reach. “Nathan please.”

“I’ll see you around Sarah.”

“Don’t go, I really like you.” He carries on walking towards the door, clearly not impressed with my revelation. “Please don’t tell anyone.” I almost cry.

“Who could I tell that wouldn’t think I’m mental?” He had a point there, and I didn’t know what to say to that, so I just watch him walk out the door probably hoping he never sees me again. 

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