All Hell Breaks Loose

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"Aniki, train me!" Sasuke said as he greeted his older brother at the door.

"Maybe later Sasuke. I just got back from a mission." Itachi responded as he patted his little brother on the head, and made his way towards his room.

"I'll train with you Sasuke-chan!" Naruto piped cheerfully.

"It won't be the same Naruto...but okay, I guess. Let's go!"


"Shisui! Happy birthday!" Naruto said as he hugged the older boy tightly.

Shisui had become a very important part of Naruto's life. He loved his cousin, and nothing anyone did would change that.

"Shisui, you've become my best friend...and that is why...I must kill you." Itachi said as he finished off his attack by stabbing Shisui in the heart with a kunai, he pushed the struggling boy into the nearby lake, and watched as he gasped for air, and attempted to swim to the surface.

Itachi smirked as he looked at his reflection in the water, the mangekyo sharingan. Something he had wanted for so long.

'And now I'll test it on my family. I'll test my power on everyone except my two little brothers. Sasuke, you're lucky Naruto came into our life. If he didn''d be the first one I would kill.'


"Okasan, why are they doing that to Shisui? What happened?" Naruto asked, holding his mothers hand tightly.

"He's dead Naruto."

"What does that mean?"

"It means he went to sleep, and he's never going to wake up." She said, trying her best to conceal her tears. Naruto was on her right, and Sasuke was on her left. She had to stay strong for her sons. Speaking of sons...

Itachi was standing next to his father, emotionless. Everyone knew Itachi was sad though. They all knew how close the two were. And Itachi was probably so hurt, that he didn't know how to react.

"No! He has to come back okasan! Why won't he come back?" Naruto said as he sobbed quietly. Mikoto picked Naruto up and held him closely.

"Naruto, no matter what happens, I always want you to protect the ones you love. Because the one's you love are your precious people, and you never want to lose your precious people. Family is the most important thing in the world. Don't ever forget that."

And Naruto wouldn't.


"Naruto, wake up! Wake up Naruto!" Sasuke said as he shook his little brother slightly. It was Naruto's 7th birthday today, and Sasuke wanted to be the first one to see him on his birthday.

"Wha...What is it niichan?" Naruto asked as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Happy birthday!" Sasuke said as he hugged the younger boy.

"Thanks Sasuke!" Naruto said happily as he got up to get dressed. Despite the fact that it was Naruto's birthday, both Sasuke and Naruto still had to go to the Academy. But brother had a surprise for him after school. And Sasuke was in charge of keeping it a secret. He wanted to know what was going on, but Itachi refused to tell him.

"We're late, we're late, we're late!" Sasuke repeated as he and Naruto ran home. They were already an hour late for Naruto's surprise party.

"Sasuke-chan...something isn't's too quiet."

[Book 1] Somebody To Call Family (A Naruto Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now