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"Bye Gaara! I'll see you soon okay?" Naruto waved goodbye to his new friend as he began his short walk home. The young blond was tired from training and hadn't really seen Sasuke lately, because Sasuke was also busy training. The blue-eyed Genin missed Sasuke and wanted to spend some time with him.

Sasuke clenched his fists in pure rage. He watched as Naruto returned home after his little 'rendezvous' with the red-haired freak from Suna. Sasuke didn't say anything, but he knew of Naruto's new found friendship with the strange sand-user, and he didn't like it at all. When they first met, at the tree, Sasuke decided to leave it alone. Gaara wouldn't want to be friends with someone like Naruto. Sasuke was proven wrong when he saw Gaara give Naruto ramen, and it made him even more mad when he saw Naruto willingly embrace Gaara, and Gaara not pull away. Why would Naruto want to take a complete stranger in his arms. Not to mention someone from another village. A village that wasn't exactly on good terms with Konoha.

When Sasuke saw Naruto leave the red-haired shinobi and head towards their home, Sasuke took a shortcut, in order to meet Naruto at home and talk to him about his new found relationship with Gaara.


"Sasuke-san? Are you here?" Naruto called out as he opened the front door to his home. It was extremely dark, which was rare, because even when neither of them were home, one of the lights were always left on.

"Sasuke-san?" Naruto called out again, closing the door. He flipped on the light switch, and light illuminated the room. He gasped in slight shock when he saw Sasuke sitting on one of the chairs, hands folded neatly underneath his chin.

"Hello Naruto." Sasuke greeted calmly and casually, but Naruto knew from experience that Sasuke was mad, really mad. The only thing was that Naruto had no clue why Sasuke was mad at him. Unless he knew about Gaara. Either way, it didn't really matter.

"He...hello Sasuke-san! Umm, why were you sitting alone, and in the dark?" Naruto asked, and backed away slightly as Sasuke stood up, and walked over to him slowly, as if trying to prolong something.

"I was waiting for you, moron." Sasuke was still speaking in a casual manner, but there was something in his eyes that told Naruto he was going to strike any moment.

"How come?" Naruto asked, trying to act as casual as possible. He backed up until he fell onto the couch, and Sasuke followed, crawling on top of him, straddling him in order to keep him from moving.

"Tell me Naruto, when did I ever tell you that you could go around with that guy from Suna? He is an enemy remember, so why were you with him? And why did you hughim, of all things?" Sasuke questioned, trying to keep himself as calm as possible for now.

"Wh...what are you talking about Sasuke? I was just trying to be nice. Gaara's a nice person anyway, and I hugged him because-" Before Naruto could even finish Sasuke slapped him hard across the face, causing him to go flying off the couch, and crash into the small table that was next to the couch. Under Naruto's weight, it broke, and Naruto fell on his back against the glass and wood.

"Sasuke-" Naruto began, groaning in pain as he sat up, some of the glass shards were sticking to his back. Some had cut through his shirt, causing the blond's back to bleed from the cuts.

"Shut up usuratonkachi! I never said you can be his friend, much less hug him! Haven't I told you," He picked Naruto up by the collar, and forced him to stand up. Naruto would have lost his balance if Sasuke wasn't holding onto him. The raven shoved him against the wall. "that you're to ask me before you go anywhere?"

"I did ask you! I asked if I could go train, and you said yes! I met Gaara along the way. Let me go, I can't breath!" Naruto shouted, bringing his hands to Sasuke's, wincing slightly at the pain in his back. He squirmed against Sasuke, causing the other boy to gasp. Something ran through his body, sending shivers up and down his spine. He had no clue what it was, but all he knew was that he liked the feeling. Naruto must have noticed this, because he stopped his squirming to look up at Sasuke.

[Book 1] Somebody To Call Family (A Naruto Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now