Meeting Kakashi

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"Hmmm, Uzumaki Naruto eh? And Uchiha Sasuke on the same team. Something tells me that Sasuke planned this. He probably wanted the poor blond on the team so he's able keep an eye on him. And make sure Naruto won't make friends. But Naruto is still too innocent and nice, he's so happy and stays so positive, and so friendly. I'm sure he'll easily make friends, even with Sasuke pushing them away. That Uchiha. He can get quite jealous." A man with gray hair said. He was talking to Iruka-sensei.

"What are you talking about? Why would he want to keep an eye on him?" Iruka asked, completely confused. There were things going on with his students that he didn't know about, and he didn't like it.

"Naruto was adopted by Sasuke's parents when he was 3. Now that they're dead, he still lives with Sasuke. Not many people know though. And the way Sasuke treats him? Well...let's just say it's not the nicest thing in the world." Kakashi responded.

"What?" Iruka exclaimed. He had been Naruto and Sasuke's sensei for years and didn't know that! Why was he not told?

"Yes, haven't you noticed they were always together? And that Sasuke was always a bit mean to him?" Kakashi asked.

"Well I've noticed they were always together...but nothing more. Naruto is always cheery towards Sasuke. Sasuke was always a little...anti-social, and doesn't talk much. I've never seen him do anything to Naruto though!" Iruka explained. Now that he thought about it, the two boy really were always together. They arrived together and left together. But Sasuke was never really cruel to the blond.

"Well he doesn't do anything in public. He has a good way of hiding things."

"Wha..what can I do about this? I have to help him!" Iruka said, suddenly feeling very protective over the young blond boy.

"No Iruka, it isn't your place anymore. He isn't your student anymore. He'd my student now and therefore my responsibility." Iruka got angry at this. Sure, Kakashi was right, Naruto wasn't his student anymore, but that didn't mean he didn't care! He cared for the blond deeply. He just wanted to help him!

"Kakashi-sensei I don't care if he isn't my student anymore. I still want him to be taken care of!" Iruka yelled back.

"Don't worry Iruka. I'll keep an eye on him."


Sasuke was enraged. He hadn't seen Naruto since Iruka announced that they were teammates. He was waiting for Naruto so they could have lunch together, but Naruto never showed up. Sasuke had eaten without him. Afterward he decided to look for Naruto. He had wanted to talk to Naruto about the 'little incident' that happened in the classroom. Sasuke wasn't too happy about that.

He was currently standing near a burnt down building, searching for Naruto.

"Naruto, where are you?" Sasuke called out as he searched for the blue-eyed blonde.

"I'm right here Sasuke!" Naruto said as he approached the older genin. Naruto smiled at the boy and sat down on the burnt steps.

"Where were you at lunch?" Sasuke asked, pissed. Sasuke was used to Naruto obeying him, so to Naruto, it was understandable as to why Sasuke was angry.

"Eh? Oh! I was trying to get Sakura-chan to eat lunch with me, but she said no. Heh, she really likes you Sasuke! You should ask her out or something," Naruto paused, and yelled out as Sasuke grabbed him.

"ITAI! No, let go, please let go!" Naruto pleaded as Sasuke gripped his wrist, and began twisting it harshly, almost to the point of breaking it.

"Why the hell would I ask her out? She's just an annoyance, another stupid obstacle in the way of my revenge." Sasuke began, and twisted Naruto's wrist even further as said boy tried to get away.

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