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Naruto sat at a desk in his bedroom, scribbling something in what looked like an old, worn out book. It was smaller than a normal book, and had a dirty brown cover. The pages he wrote on had no lines and were an off white. He flipped a good amount of pages before he got to a blank page. He opened one of the drawers, pulled out a pen, and began writing.

Today is the one year anniversary since our family was killed. Sasuke and I are going to their graves today. We're going to put flowers around their graves and clean up, the same thing we do every year. The Uchiha's own a fairly large, separate part of Konoha's cemetery. This is where everyone in our family is buried. Whether it be from many years ago, or from one year ago today, when the Uchiha massacre took place.

A year had passed since that horrible day. A year since they were all murdered. A year since we've seen Itachi. We heard rumor's that he joined a group called Akatsuki, but rumors are only rumors until proven true. I don't even know what Akatsuki is, but it doesn't sound good! A year has also passed since Sasuke started treating me different.

It was always the same thing every time. I'd try to be nice, and I'd try to comfort him, try to make him feel a little better, but in the end, he'd always get mad at me. He'd hit me, and he'd push me away. And I don't just mean physically. He'd mentally push me away. He'd tell me that he needed me as a tool for revenge, and when he got his revenge he'd be done with me. I'm 8 years old now. Even though a year has passed he still blames me for the family's massacre. He vows revenge on our brother Itachi, and me! He makes me do whatever he says.

He even makes me stay two steps behind him when we walk. He does it because he says embarrassed to be seen with me. I'm hated by this village so much, and he thinks it's because of our family's death. But no, it's not because of that. It's because I have the Kyuubi sealed inside of me. When I was born, Kyuubi attacked our village. Kyuubi is the nine-tailed fox demon. And, in order to save the village, the Yondaime Hokage sealed him away inside of me, losing his life in the process. He meant for me to be a hero.

The children my age don't know about me, but their parents do. Their parents give me dirty looks, and utter the words 'monster' under the breaths. Their children see the hatred, and also begin to hate me. I can't tell Sasuke about it though, because it would give him even more of a reason to use me as a tool, a tool of revenge against Itachi. And I really don't want that.

"Naruto! Where the hell are you?" Sasuke shouted, sounded angry and annoyed.

Naruto quickly slammed his journal (He refused to call it a diary. Diary made it sound too girly) shut and ran over to his bed. He slid over to the empty floorboard by his bed. All he had to do was bang one end of the loose floorboard gently, and the other side of the board would pop up. Naruto hid a few things in there aside from his journal. He also hid a few cups of instant ramen in case he got hungry and Sasuke didn't let him eat, and when Sasuke yelled at him for eating ramen.

He usually forbid Naruto from eating ramen, especially instant ramen. Sasuke always said 'that stuff is bad for you!'. He hid this strange looking rock-like gem that Sasuke gave him when he was four. Naruto had put it into a necklace, and wore it often; hidden underneath all of his clothes, but never when there might be even the slightest possibility that Sasuke would see it. If Sasuke saw it, he would take it away.

The gem was one of the few things that Naruto had to remember the old Sasuke by other than his memories.

"Naruto, why didn't you answer me?" Sasuke asked as he walked up to Naruto and yanked him up harshly by his hair, causing Naruto to wince at the pain as Sasuke twisted his blond locks in his hand.

"I...I'm sorry Sasuke." Naruto answered, trying his best to escape Sasuke's harsh grasp.

"You're sorry? You're always sorry Naruto. Sorry is just an empty word coming from the likes of you. Let's get going." Sasuke said as he let go of Naruto and pushed him away. Naruto fell to the ground. Sasuke looked disapprovingly at him. He rolled his eyes, shook his head, and continued walking on.

[Book 1] Somebody To Call Family (A Naruto Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now