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Naruto was currently sitting on the same couch where Haku had kissed him. His head was filled with so many thoughts. He wanted to get out of this weird place, and far away from the freaky eyebrow-less Zabuza. He wanted to see Kakashi, Tazuna and Sakura again, to make sure they were okay, since it looked like Kakashi had been injured pretty badly when he left. Most of all, he wanted to see Sasuke. He missed Sasuke so much, even though they were only away from each other for about half a day. Naruto had never gone more than four hours without seeing Sasuke. He felt so empty and incomplete without Sasuke. Naruto was sure that Sasuke was feeling some emptiness without him as well, even though the raven boy would never admit it.

Naruto sighed as he stared out the adjacent window from his spot on the couch, into the darkened streets. It was very dark out, and nothing could be seen due to the fact that there were barely any street lights that Naruto could make out. The mist was heavy, adding to the darkness, making it almost impossible to see anything through it. Zabuza had an advantage, he could see through it. He was able to make it through the mist without any problems.

"Naruto-kun?" Haku's voice rang from the doorway. He held a tray in his hands.

Naruto responded by simply acknowledging his presence. Haku was nice to him, very nice, but Naruto still didn't like him too much. He didn't like anyone who took him away from Sasuke.

"I've brought you some food. Won't you eat now? You haven't eaten at all since you've gotten here. You need to eat, Naruto-kun." Haku said as he walked over to the couch and placed the tray on the small table that was in front of it. On the tray was a plate of weird food Naruto had never seen before. There was also a cup sitting next to it, filled with hot and steamy green tea.

Naruto shook his head gently and turned back to the window, gazing out of it almost as if he was expecting something (or someone) to appear out of the mist. He was silently wishing that Sasuke would come rescue him from these two ninjas. Suddenly, Naruto felt stupid. He knew Sasuke wouldn't come to save him, at least not alone.

Haku watched the younger boy in sadness. Naruto was exactly like Haku when it came to his precious person. Zabuza had said that he was only using Haku as a tool, and Haku was okay with it, because Zabuza had given Haku a reason to live. For that, Haku was grateful. It didn't take long for him to fall in love with the older man.

Naruto was the same way.

"Naruto-kun?" Haku called out, hoping to get the younger ninjas attention. Naruto turned around to look at him.

"Why do you love Sasuke so much?" Haku asked.

Naruto's eyes widened as soon as Sasuke's name was mentioned. He sat down on the couch and pulled the blanket over his shoulders. He pulled his legs against his chest and smiled. It was the type of smile a person used when someone had just received a very sweet compliment from someone they really liked, or in Naruto's case, loved.

"Sasuke-san is someone a lot of people like. All the girls have crushes on him, all the guys want to be him, and all the sensei think he's a genius. He has good looks and he's smart!" Naruto said.

Haku furrowed his brows. It sounded as though Naruto had finished talking, but he didn't really answer the question that Haku had asked him.

"Almost twelve years ago, a demon named Kyuubi attacked Konoha. Yondaime Hokage tookhis own lifeby sealing it inside an infant, and that infant is me." Naruto paused, listening to Haku's gasp. Haku knew about the Kyuubi attack, and of the nine Jinchuuriki, but he didn't know that Naruto was the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi!

"Until I was three, everyone looked at me with some hatred. Even at that young age, I can remember that I was so lonely. I wanted a family, a friend, anything at all, but, mostly, I wanted to be loved. It finally happened when I was three. Sasuke's parents adopted me. I was finally happy and loved. I had loving parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, and two older brothers, Sasuke and Itachi. Sasuke and I got really close, we spent all of our time together, and I loved him so much. I loved my mother a lot too. She told me to always protect the ones I love, because the ones I love are my precious people. She told me never to forget that, and to this day, I still haven't. I'll protect Sasuke, even if it means giving up my own life in the process." Naruto paused again, to make sure Haku was listening. When Haku confirmed that he was, indeed, listening, Naruto went on.

[Book 1] Somebody To Call Family (A Naruto Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora