Chapter two

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Hey if someone is reading this. this chappie is gonna be really short becuase I had wrote it but then the app crashed so I'm really mad and it's 12:00I'm the morning so it's gonna be really bad sorry


My cousin Rapunzle woke me up.

"Rap! omg! what are you doing here!" I yelled excited.

"I just moved here I live next door!" she said excitedly her blond hair bouncing.

"Can you get off my bed now so I can get ready for school!" I asked still excited.

"Oh,yea, sorry." she said running down the stairs to get breakfast.

I took a shower then put my grey skinny jeans on and a white blouse the same I wore on my first day of school I still can't believe that was two weeks ago I looked at the scars I my arm from me cutting them and I slipped on my TFiOS hoddie then thought,

'Thanks a lot Jack Frost.'

I went to go eat breakfast and Rapunzle said "oh! Elsa how do you do that beautiful French braid to your self?" I smiled and shrugged.

Rap drove Anna and I to school then went to the office while Anna and I went to our lockers, where the devil himself was talking to his friends, Jackson Frost Overland.

"There's the bookworm! hey where were you I missed making fun of you and tripping you." He said and then pushed me making me fall to the lockers.

"Hey Elsa. who's this?" Rap asked nodding towards Jack, but before I could answer he got in between Rap and I and he started flirting with her. gross. I walked passed Hiccup and gave him a betraded look, he was my only friend and he just let Jack push me around, some friend.

----time skip----

I had my last class till lunch, math, ugh. I was in a good mood though Hans had asked me out and I said yes,and Jack had to do the book report in class while the rest of us got to do whatever we liked.

When I went to math I sighed,the only seat was next to hiccup. "Hey, I'm sorry about this morning." He said.

"Whatever I'm use to it." I said and that made him frown.

"Come sit with me at lunch." he said

"With Jack, no thanks." I said

"I promise he won't bother you if he does we can leave and I'll buy you chocolate after school." I smiled at this.

"Fine, but I think I should you should buy me some chocolate anyway." I said laughing.

"Whatever." he said laughing to,and then started reading his book, The Hunger games.

----Time Skip----


I saw Flynn and Krisoff sitting at our table.

"Where's Haddock?" I asked

"Don't know" Flynn said. just then Hiccup and some girl came in and got in line for food. when they got here I saw who he was with and I almost choked,it was Elsa.

"Whoa, Jackson I knew I was a heartthrob but this is too much." Elsa joked.

"Very funny bookworm." I said annoyed. Then Rap came and sat next to me.

"What are you doing here?" Elsa and Rap asked at the same time.

"Hiccup asked me to sit with him."

"Oh yea! guys I forgot to say, this is my girlfriend, Rap." I said smiling.

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