Karaoke night 2/2

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When Jack and I arrived we saw Hiccup with a girl that had fiery red hair.

"Hey guys, this is Merida." Hiccup said

"Hey." she said

"Nice out fit choice, Jack." Hiccup said sarcastically. Jack was wearing his blue hoddie and light brown pants.

"Whatever." he said

"I love your boots!" Merida said.

"I love yours too!" I said

"Girls." Jack said rolling his eyes. as we walked in I asked Jack if he was okay.

"Yea I'm fine." he said walking faster leaving me behind.

"Anyone else want to sing?" the DJ asked. a girl walked up to the stage she had dark brown medium hair, her eyes look almost black, but still holding so much wonder and light. I saw she had theses big nerd glasses and she was tan. she wore and white skirt and a light blue crop top but the skirt was high enough so you couldn't see her belly.

"What's your name sweet heart?" the female DJ asked

"Sydney." she said smiling

"What song will you be singing?"

"Defying Gravity."

"You may begin." the DJ said.

"Something has changed within me

Something is not the same

I'm through with playing by the rules

Of someone else's game

Too late for second-guessing

To late to go back to sleep

It's time to trust my instincts

Close my eyes and leap!"

"It's time to try

Defying gravity

I think I'll try

Defying Gravity

Kiss me goodbye

I'm defying gravity

And you won't bring me down"

"I'm through accepting limits

Cause someone says there so

Some things cannot change

But 'till I try, i'll never know

Too long I've been afraid of

losing love I guess i've lost

Well, if that's love

It comes at much too high a cost!"

"I'd sooner buy

Defying Gravity

Kiss me good bye

I'm defying gravity

I think i'll try

Defying gravity

And you won't bring me down"


My future is


And I've just had a vision

Almost like a prophecy

I know it sound truly crazy

And true, the vision's hazy

But I swear, someday i'll be"

"Flying so high!

Kiss me goodbye!"

After Sydney finished everyone clapped.

"Great job Sydney. Anyone else?" Hiccup raised his hand and walked up there.

*insert 'Rhythm of love'*

"Wow Hiccup you were great!" Merida and I said in union. just then Jack stormed out.

"I'll go check on him." I said

When I walked outside I saw Jack sitting on a bench outside the bar.

"Hey." I said sitting down next time him. I saw some snow in his brown hair.

"What do you want." he snapped

"Just seeing if your okay."

"I'm fine."

"Let's go inside your gonna get sick." I said

"I don't care."

"Okay I'm not moving until you tell me why your upset." I said then shivered. I wasn't cold I just wanted him to talk.

After about 10 minutes he still just sat there, so I made it snow harder without him noticing.

"Fine. I'll talk." he said


"Before I picked you up Rapunzle texted me and broke up with me." he said. I was shocked.

"I'm sorry." I said hugging him.

"It's fine."

"Don't let my stupid cousin ruin your fun."

"Come on it's Christmas Break, let's go get some hot chocolate." I said standing up.

"Your kidding right?" he asked.

"Nope." I said pooping the 'p'.

We walked in and saw Merida and Hiccup talking to Sydney.

"Hey guys, Jack and I thought it would be a good idea if we got hot chocolate.'' I said.

"Great idea, Sydney wanna come?" Merida asked.

"Um, sure!" she replied happily.

When we arrived at the cafe I saw an empty table and we sat there while the boys got the hot chocolate.

"So are you and Jack dating." Merida and Sydney asked

"W-what no!" I said blushing

"But you like him." Sydney said

"I don't know." I said


Hiccup and I were walking to the girls and I sat next to Elsa, because that was the only seat left.

After about 30 minutes Sydney said she had to go home.

"You know what would be a good idea!" Merida said

"What?" we all said

"Sleepover!" she said

"Um, sleepover?" Elsa said

"Yea tomorrow night."

"Okay." I said.

"Sure." Hiccup said.

"I don't think I can make it." Elsa said looking at Hiccup as if he knew why.

"Come on Elsie." I said

"But-" she started

"No buts your coming." I cut her off

"And if I don't?"

"I will drag you out of your house."

"Fine I'll be there." she said looking at her gloves.

Hello! so Sydney is icynightxox's one shot character!!!!

What will happen at the sleepover will elsa be able to keep her powers under control?!!!?

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