I want to be friends.......

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"What are you doing for break?" Asked Hiccup

"Probably gonna prank the whole neighborhood, and play in the snow with Emma."

"I'm going to do something with my two weeks off and get a winter job, maybe you should do the same." he said

"Nah. Your all hard work and dead lines, and I'm snowballs and fun times." I said with a smile leaning on my locker.

Just when I was about to say something I heard someone come to up us.

"Haddock!" someone yelled I think it was Elsa.

'This should be good.'

"Where is Eric?!" she yelled at Hiccup

"Football field. Why?" He asked scared

"He cheated on my sister!"


I was walking to drama when I saw Anna crying in the bathroom.

"Anna what's wrong?"

"Eric cheated on me with Ariel."

"Don't worry it will be fine I'll go handle him okay?"

"Okay." she said drying her tears.

"Now let's go put some 'tear-hiding make up on'."

After I put make up on Anna I saw I had a good five minutes till class started, so I went looking for hiccup when I saw him with Jack.

"Haddock!" I yelled getting his attention

"Where is Eric?!" I yelled/asked

Football field. Why?" he asked. I could feel the room getting cold.

"He cheated on my sister!" I said as I walked away to the field, and I could see them behind me.

Then I saw him.

"Eric." I said in a flirty tone

"Yes." he said with the same flirty tone

"I heard you don't have a girlfriend anymore." I said getting closer

"That's correct." he said. I put my lips right next to his ear and said

"One of you girlfriends is my sister." and I kneed him in he's little special spot, while he was on the snow covered field I walked a way kinda swaying my hips just for the fun of it (A/N : like during let it go when she goes to the balcony.)

"Whoa, you were awesome!" Jack said giving me a high five.

'Did he just do that?'


'Did I just do that?' I thought to myself. it was strange I didn't feel like she took my popularity. I started to care. like in the janitors closet I went there on my own, Rap didn't make me.

My god I want to be friends with Elsa Winters.

I went to my next class, drama, and sat next to Hiccup and Rap. Elsa sat next to Miku.

"So I have very bad news." The teacher said

"The play has been canceled." he said with sorrow in his voice while we cheered and I mean EVERYONE cheered every last one of us.

"Well, then." was all the teacher could manage



"Hey Elsa." Jack said sitting in between Rapunzle and I.

"What do you want?"

"Look we've been fighting ever since you got here in Burgess, so I want to call a truce." he said with his hand out

"Fine." I said shaking his hand.

And that's how my friendship with Jackson Frost Overland started.

You,my snow queenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora