Im gonna do it Part 1

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I got on the bus and sat by Rap.

"Hey cos." she said

"Hey Rap." I said smiling

"Do you know why Jack didn't take me back?" she asked, but before I could answer she started talking again.

"Because he found someone else." she said annoyed.

"When I find this person I will make there life a nightmare."

"Well I mean you broke up with him for someone else." I said scared of what she might do. She just sighed

"I'll just find someone else." she said looking out the window.

I was walking to my locker when I saw a girl flirting with Jack, I could feel my heart break. I ran into the girls bathroom, thank god no one was in there. I sat on the floor and cried I could feel the ice starting to form, and I didn't care. The worst part about seeing her flirt with him was,

He didn't stop her.

He was smiling and started flirting with her to. I hate him for that. I stood up and looked in the mirror with an emotionless face.

"Don't let them in. don't let them see. Be the good girl you always have to be. conceal, don't feel. Put on a show. Make on wrong move and everyone will know."

'No.' my inner voice said. I knew my inner voice was right. I knew I needed to let it go.

"That perfect girl is gone." I sang. I turned to leave, but put my hand out sideways and hit the mirror with my powers making it shatter. I walked out of the bathroom and went to class.

After class I saw the same girl flirting with Jack. I could feel jealousy boiling inside me waiting for me to burst.

'Wait is that my locker!?' I thought.

Jack was flirting with a girl in front of my locker. I walked over there with no emotion.

"Could you move Overland." I snapped.

"Are you okay Elsa?" he asked with worry on his face. I almost wanted to hug him and say sorry.


"Sorry I don't like my locker to be a flirting hotspot." I said with a cold expression. I was angry that he was acting so innocent. He looked upset like he had a plan and it wasn't working. I opened my locker, grabbed my books and slammed it shut.

"Elsa, wait!" Jack called after me. I didn't stopped I did even think about stopping until I got into my next class. I saw the only empty seat was next to a new kid. I was so angry I didn't even care.

"Hello." the kid said

"Hey." I said angry still in my voice I didn't even turn to face him.

"What's wrong?" he asked. I turned and saw he had black hair and a black jacket on with jeans.

"Nothing." I said sadness filling my voice.

"I'm Pitch." he said holding his hand out.

"I'm Elsa." I said shaking his hand.

"Do you think you could help me with something Pitch?" I asked


"I like this guy, and I saw him flirting with a girl, could you help me make him jealous." I asked

"Sure. Your my first friend, i'd do anything for you."

"Well it's only your first day." I said

"No, I mean your my first friend." he said. I knew how he felt. I couldn't have friends because I could hurt them.

"Well my friend, you and I are going to eat lunch together." I said as the teacher came in.

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