Hello Christmas

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I woke up to the sound of jingle bells.

Wait, jingle bells?

I opened my eyes and saw that Anna was waving jingle bells In front my face.

"Wake up it's Christmas." She said

"Hello Christmas my name is Elsa." I said getting off my bed.

"Haha. very funny." Anna said as she left my room. I walked into my bathroom, took a shower, and wore skinny jeans, a one-size-too-big red sweater that had red and green light bulbs stitched on. I wore my hair in a messy French braid and wore my antlers headband.

When I walked down to the living room I saw Anna, my Aunt, and my Uncle sorting presents.

"Good morning."

"Elsa! Jack sent you a gift." Anna said handing me a box that was perfectly wrapped with a bow. I looked at the name tag

To: The Snow Queen

From: Jackson Frost Overland

I smiled at the gift and gingerly opened it, when I did I saw a beautiful snow flake designed phone case.


The girls had just come back and we were walking out the mall when I saw the Apple store. I went to go look in the window, and saw a beautiful snow flake designed phone case. I really wanted it but I saw I didn't have enough for it since I was shopping with Miku, and only brought a little bit of money. I sighed and walked back to Jack and the girls.


"I should go tell Jack thank you." I said,my family nodded.


I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and saw Elsa standing there.

"Thank you for my gift." She said

"Your welcome." I said

"Merry Christmas." she said handing me a box

"What's this?" I asked

"Your gift." she said smiling

"Thank you." I said opening the box. When I opened it a saw she got me Call Of Duty: Ghost.

"Do you like it?"

"Are you kidding I love it." I said hugging her. then I realized what I was doing and I stepped back.

"I mean yeah it's pretty cool." I said leaning on the wall the falling down. I heard Elsa giggle.

"I meant to do that." I said getting up

"Sure you did Overland." she said laughing.

"Well I should get home now." she said waving good-bye

"Bye Snow Queen." I said closing the door


"Well I should get home now." I said waving good-bye

"Bye Snow Queen." he said closeting the door

About half way home I sighed happily, I was thinking about Jack.


Do I like him?

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