Chapter One: The News

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Authors Note

First Fanfic so I'm taking any and all criticism just please don't be harsh about it. Ideas are taken into consideration and I hope you all like it. Enjoy c:

Mitch's POV

        I woke up happier than usual this morning. Mostly because of my amazing dream where me and Scott go on the perfect date. But after I realize that Scott isn't laying next to me I get kinda sad. I then reminded myself that at this time he's usually going to get us Starbucks. I sit up and get out of bed to head into the shower when I hear quiet muffles coming from the living room. 'Scott?' I think confused and a bit dizzy from getting up way too fast. I step out into the living room and see Scott on his phone with his head in his hand so I can't clearly see his face. I waved my hand eager for him to look at me. As he looks up I immediately realize he's crying when I see his blood shot eyes and red cheeks. I run to sit next to him so I can comfort him though I have no idea what's going on.

        "Yes I understand...Well what now...I'll be there as soon as I can but...Yeah...I love you mom...Bye." He puts his phone down and sits there resting his head on the back of the couch.

        "Scott" is all I can say. What could have happened? Is his mother OK? "Scott what's going on?" I'm almost afraid to ask.

        "My...My Great Grandmother just...died." At this point he's crying waterfalls. One of those cries that jerk your whole body. All I could do was hold on to his shaking body and cry with him. I had never met his Greats but he talked about his great grandmother plenty of times before. I just realized he said he'd be somewhere. Probably back home to Texas for the funeral. As if he was reading my mind Scott says,"Could you come with me? To the funeral I mean. I just can't do this trip alone." I then noticed he had stopped crying and was just staring into my eyes with this pleading look. "Of course I will Scott." I told him with reassurance. We sat for a while longer embracing each others company. I then looked at the clock that read 9:53. Unwilling to break the silence I finally said "How about we go get some Starbucks and we talk about this when we get back." As if he was coming out of a deep sleep Scott then said "That would be lovely" I slowly get up when it really hit me. Scott just lost someone extremely close to him. I try to imagine how he's feeling as I throw on a T-shirt and jeans. "I'll drive" I offer knowing he's probably a bit too shaken up to use any type of heavy machinery.

        The ride there and back is long and silent. We finally get home and I just go ahead and ask "OK please tell me what's going on. How did this happen? How are you feeling? Scott, I am here tell me anything you need to say." I needed to hear him say at least that he was OK. He walks to the couch and sits down to take a sip from his caramel machiatto. " Well" He starts off, slowly, but matter of factly, "We all kind of saw it coming but... not this soon. She was already in and out of the hospital for multiple reasons and I thought I was ready but I'm just not. Well not all the way. I don't know."

"Scott It's OK to grieve. You couldn't have done anything to prevent this. Nature took it's course and it'll take time for you to get over this. Okay?" "Okay" Yes we finally had a fault in our stars moment. Now time for a question that was kind of just sitting at the back of my mind "When are we going to Texas?" I asked "Well our flight is around 8 in the morning tomorrow and the actual funeral is on Thursday so we'll be getting back the next morning." Sounded good to me. I'd finally be able to see my mom which I couldn't wait for. I really hate seeing Scott like this though. He's not usually this way so this Scott is new to me.



        "I love you a lot"

        "I love you the most"

        The rest of the day went casually. We went to pentatonix rehearsal and everyone was very sympathetic of Scott's situation but he seemed more upbeat. His regular self.

Author's note

Once again i am quite new at this so stay with me here. Next chapter things will get interesting. Until then.

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