Chapter Three: The Funeral

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Authors Note

OK this chapter is definitely where it picks up. I apologize if this is slow or the chapters are too short. I'm trying my best. Enjoy c:

Scott's POV

"Scottie!" Yelled my mother when I walked through the door. Almost as if she wasn't expecting me.

"Hey mom. Oh my gosh I missed you so much it's been so long. Kevin Avi and Kirstie wanted me to tell you that they are here in spirit but they really needed to figure things out with pentatonix."

"Oh honey it's OK. Tell them I love them anyway." She told me hugging me tightly. As she looked past me I saw her gaze lock onto Mitch "Mitch I didn't even see you over there come here." And with that Mitch walked over and she hugged him just as tight.

"Mrs.Hoying I missed you too." He said with a wide grin. As soon as she let go Mitch picked his stuff back up. "But i really need to head over to my mother's house."

"Oh of course I'm not keeping you. Me and Scott need to talk anyway. Whenever you feel like it just stop by OK?" She told him more than understanding. Which is not like her. Usually she begs him to stay just a little longer to catch up. Well considering our current situation.

"Bye Scott. Bye Mrs.Hoying. If I'm not back later I'll stop by in the morning." He said as he walked out the door. I really didn't want him to go.

"Bye Mitch" Both me and my mother said in unison. After he closed the door my mother got straight to it.

"Scott are you feeling OK? I know how much she meant to you and I just want you to be OK."

"Yeah I'm OK now but I don't know how I'll be able to handle myself once we actually get there. Hey where's dad?

"Oh he won't be here until later on tonight. He was on a business trip but he's hopping on the first flight back here. There's no way he could've missed this. He loved her so much. You both did. Listen Scott I'm here for you OK?"

"Of course mom. Sooooo what's for lunch?" I asked this slightly ashamed but I hadn't eaten since this morning and it's already almost noon.

"Don't be afraid to ask. I know you love my cooking. But nothing special. I can make you a couple sandwiches to hold you over until dinner." She said walking towards the kitchen.

'That would be really nice. And can you cut the crust and  Put the mayonnaise-" She whipped around and looked at me.

"I know how you like your sandwiches. Trust me. I know." She turned back around kept walking towards the kitchen. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.


Authors note

I just have to say that i don't really know how funerals go I haven't been to one since I was really young so if anything is wrong I apologize.

Still Scott's POV

"She was a woman who helped us all through the worst and best of times. At this time I would like to play the tape of her will." I had been crying like a big baby through the whole thing. This was jus all overwhelming. It really sunk in that she was gone. I saw her corpse and everything. She was really for real gone. I'd never see her wrinkly smile again. Never see her striking blue eyes even at her age. All of it was gone.

"Scott Hoying" I heard her say. There was a loud gasp In the room. i should have been paying attention. What just happened?

"Scott I'm giving you this money because no matter what you were always there. From the day you were born you showered me with hugs and kisses. I know you and your friends are doing great with your singing group. i love you scott I really do and I wish you the best of luck in life. i have just one request. Don't abuse this money. i am trusting you with this. I hope I chose the right one. Don't prove me wrong Scotty." Money? How much? What is happening? All these questions were answered at the end of the funeral.

"Mom? What Money? How much?" I pleaded with her I just couldn't stand the confusion I had.

"500,000 Scott. 500,000 dollars. Congratulations Scott. You got what everyone wanted." She gave me a tight hug. I could feel her hot tears against my shirt. When I looked up I saw Mitch jogging over.

"Wow Scott congrats."

"Thanks?" Although I knew everything I needed to know I was still really confused. Why me? I thought I always treated her the same way everyone else did. This is weird.

"Of course Mrs.Hoying I would love to." Mitch said to my mother before waving to me and walking over to his own.

"He would love to what?"

"I'm having a dinner party tonight. Just in honor of great grams. Do you want to go shopping with me?" She said with her eyes still red but for the most part ok.

"Of course I do."

"Alright let's go. If the food is going to get done I have to start soon."

We had the best time at the store. I think it was mainly because we've been pretty sad for the past few days and we just needed to be happy. We got a lot of weird looks from just about everyone there. And when we got home I helped her cook and we had even more fun. Especially when Mitch came to help. I couldn't have asked for anything else than to be with my boyfriend and my mother just having genuine fun. During the actual party I caught up with all my relatives. Surprisingly Lindsay and Lauren were in no way jealous and were very happy for me. My dad explained to me that all the money would go straight to my bank account since I'm over 18. I can do with it what I please. i've never just had this much money before. It was still a bit overwhelming.


"Finally home!" Yelled Mitch through the whole apartment. He immediately through his stuff and turned to me. Before I could even close the door he planted a soft kiss on my lips. Startled I pulled back.

"Oh I'm sorry" he pleaded. He started to pick his stuff back up but I smacked them out of his hands.

"Don't be." I then kissed him back like I should've done. "How about dinner? Somewhere expensive. The whole crew. Kind of like a welcome back type occasion." I suggested.

"Sure let me call Kirstie and set things up. But where?"

"I've heard of this really nice place in Beverly Hills called Saam with two A's."

"Oh I've heard pf that place. Really good reviews. I'm going to go talk to Kirstie and get ready. Meet back here in an hour?"

"Yeah sure. I'll talk to Avi and Kev." I said as I was grabbing my phone from my pocket. This was a different feeling. A feeling of having so much money. I like it. But I have to keep in mind why I have this money. She did say spend it on whatever I like. I'm pretty sure treating my close friends to an expensive dinner is acceptable. I'm really going to like this. Rest in peace great grams.

Author's Note

So this chapter is a day late I'm sorry. I hope you enjoyed it. I don't think I'll make this story too long but I do have a lot of ideas for it so I'm not completely sure how long this will be. Until next time. *blows a kiss* Goodbyyyyyyyyye.

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