Chapter Seven: The Lies

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Author's note: Wow it's been a long time. Anyway here's the next part. I'm just going to type and whatever happens happens. Enjoy :)

Mitch's POV

        I woke up and looked around. Everyone was asleep except for Avi. He wasn't in my line of vision so I turned to look into the kitchen. There he was. But not just him, there was a huge stack of pancakes, a big plate of bacon, cartons of orange juice and apple juice. Something was boiling on the pot and I was praying it was cream of wheat.

"Hey Avriel what are you doing?"  I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"Oh I just stepped out to get some breakfast. Do some reflecting after last night. A lot of amazing things happened last night, wouldn't you agree?" He looked me dead in my eyes. I panicked. Did Kirstie say something? Why was he so suspicious?

"Ah I'm just messing with you. You're so hilarious when you're scared. So what do you remember from last night?" Should I lie? Definitely lie.

"I barely remember anything. How much did you drink?" I asked to take the focus off of me.

"Not much. We needed at least one sober person during this drunken get together. I saw you and Kirstie sneak off. What were you two talking about? Do you remember?" Oh so this is why he wanted to know if I remembered anything last night.

"I know about you and Kirstie and trust me I'm not going to tell Jonathan. But you should." He rolled his eyes, "Really you should," I pleaded,"Jonathan might make a fuss but I really think he'll come around in no time. That's how it went for me and Scott." Oh God Scott. I looked over quickly to see if he was awake but he looked quite comfortable where he was.

"Yeah I guess you're right. I'm just afraid of what he might say. I mean sometimes Jonathan can be-" He was cut off by a voice much higher.

"Hey guys what's cookin?" Kirstie asked in a surprisingly good mood. How much did she remember.

"Oh hey baby girl." Avi said as he gave her a peck on the lips. What is this feeling? Jealousy? No. Is it? Naaaahh. But it feels like it. I can't have these feelings. It's not right. Hopefully Kirstie barely remembers anything.

"So Kirstie how much do you remember?" I asked extremely eager for her answer.

"Not much. I know me and you talked for a bit. There was a lot of dancing. Parts of the Titanic and that's about it." I dodged a serious bullet,"How about you Mitch?" Oh man.

"Um not much. About the same." I don't like this at all,"Well I should wake up Scott and Kevin so we can have breakfast." I walked off quickly. Once I got into the living room I did a quick glance to the kitchen and there was Kirstie and Avi just kissin it up. I should look away that's weird.

"Alright butt heads get your asses up! Breakfast time!" I did light slaps on their faces.

"Mitch I will pull your spinal cord out of your face." Scott's not much of a morning person. Especially after a night of drinking.

"Sorry poo bear but Avi cooked breakfast and we don't want it to get cold now do we?"

"Breakfast?" Scott and Kevin said simultaneously.

"Yes now follow me on the food train to breakfast town." They immediately got up and followed me to the kitchen. Me and Avi served the food and sat down with everyone else. It was someone's clever idea to take all the seats except the one next to Kirstie which of course I had to take. We exchanged glances. While Avi, Kevin, and Scott were laughing hysterically about something I wasn't listening to Kirstie leaned over and whispered,"We need to talk." The four words everyone hates. My heart completely stopped. I sat sillently for a few minutes.

"Hey Mitch what's wrong?" Kevin asked me. Everyone turned to look at me except for Kirstie. Thanks Kevin.

"Nothing. I...I think I'm gonna throw up." Now this wasn't a lie. I got up and ran to the bathroom. I didn't throw up though. I just needed to be alone for a few minutes. I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said weakly. I was expecting Scott to walk in but of course, because the Universe hates me, Kirstie walks in.

"Are you alright?" She asked me.

"Uh yeah. I didn't throw up thankfully. We should get back." I started to walk to the door but she closed it and wouldn't move. I am too weak to try and get past her right now.

"What happened Mitch?" I need to know exactly what she remembers before I spill the beans.

"What do you remember? What do you think happened?"

"I remember kissing you upstairs. I remember our shirts coming off. For God's sake I remember almost blowing you Mitch. And don't even tell me it was a dream because I know it wasn't so start explaining." Well she pretty much summed it up. I've already lied so much today.

"Well Kirstie. I don't know what to tell you. I don't remember that happening. It had to have been a dream. I would've remembered that. We already settled this at the restaurant you know this." I hate this a lot.

"Yeah felt so real. I guess you're right. It was just so vivid. You probably think I'm a freak." In what sense of the word? She did a little giggle. I started to laugh too. I don't know what came over me."Well we should get back out there before that dream becomes a reality." She started laughing even harder. I stopped completely. She didn't notice because she was already out the door. As  walked out I transitioned from confused to happy and cheery. They asked what we talked about and Kirstie told her crazy dream. I saw suspicion in Avi's face but he quickly brushed it off. I decided to get into the conversation and they began talking about rehearsals that would be going on tomorrow.

The rest of the breakfast went well. Scott was already in the car but I still had o grab my cat necklace that I left on the table in the upstairs bedroom. Kirstie was already gone so I wasn't worried about being cornered. I grabbed the necklace and when I turned around there was Avi. I felt like my heart was in my stomach.

"Hey Avi is something wrong?" I asked nervously.

"Not much but Kirstie's dream sparked a memory of mine. I specifically remember walking past this very room and hearing you say,'I can't do this.' I brushed it off but it made me curious."

"Oh that's simple...I was... Helping her with her bracelet that she was wearing. She asked me to take it off for her but it was on pretty tight and so that's when you heard me say I can't do this." I hope this is good enough.

"Mhmm. Makes sense. Alright. I guess I'll see you tomorrow then. Don't forget to E-Mail me those arrangements for problem."

"Yeah uh... No problem." Corniest joke I've ever made but he let out a chuckle as he walked out. That was the closest call of my life.

I got into the car with Scott. I hope this is the end of my lie streak. What he said next crushed those hopes quick.

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