Chapter Two: The Trip

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Authors Note

I'm mainly writing because I just really want to get this idea out there and if I don't my brain will explode so enjoy c:

Scott's POV

        Today is not going to be a good day. It's only 6:30 and I already feel like crap. I barely got any sleep at all last night. I just have way too much to think about right now. With the support of my family i can probably get through these next few days. And of course Mitch. Kirstie, Avi, And Kevin bought me flowers to show their condolences. Why did God give me the most amazing friends ever? Do I even deserve them? I guess I do if I have them. *Beep Beep* Did a half hour pass already?

"Oh my gosh turn it OFF" Mitch rolled over throwing a pillow right past my face and at the alarm clock.

"Geez Mitch I will. Calm your self." I turned over quickly to turn off the alarm clock that i had only just now realized was getting louder and louder. I sank down under the covers. Having Mitch yell at me was not what I needed at the moment.

"Scott I'm sorry. I over reacted. Scott look at me." I slowly lowered the blanket from my face scowling at Mitch.

"Don't look at me like that" he pleaded. I continued to look at him locking my eyes onto his. It was taking a lot for me not to smile at this point. The sun was shining perfectly onto his face making his dark brown eyes glow. Before I knew it I was laughing my hardest.

"Oh my goodness I thought you were about to break up with me right this very second." He was laughing his heart out too. Eventually we stopped completely just staring into each others eyes.

"You know I'm always here for you right? No matter what." He tells me as if I didn't already know.

"I'm aware. And I'm also starving. We should stop by chipotle before going to the airport."

In unison we both say "Oh my God I love chipotle. Chipotle is my life."


"We're here" I barely heard Mitch. That felt like the longest nap I have eve-"SCOTT WAKE UP"

"Gosh I'm up how many times do I have to tell you to calm the hell down?" I said quietly still drowsy. Where were we anyway? I had no idea what was going on. Who am I?

"Well since you seem really confused right now I'll just tell you we're at the airport. Come help me with this stuff our flight leaves in 45 minutes." Everything kind of just rushed back into my head. I hate after-sleep memory loss.I obeyed Mitch's orders and got out of the car to grab my suit case. As we walked up to the counter to get our flight tickets I noticed the girl working there seemed to have googly eyes for Mitch.

"Hi how can I help you?" She said directly at Mitch. She is not getting away with this.

"Yes we're here for the 8:45 plane to Arlington Texas.' She gave me a smug look.

"Names please" Looking back at Mitch. I couldn't deal with this. I searched for Mitch's hand without looking and found it. I then locked my fingers with his. He must not realize what's going on.

"Oh" She said not even very startled

"Hoying." I said confidently. I win. After we get our tickets and begin to walk away I hear her say under her breath "The cute ones are always gay."

We board the plane and find our seats. flying has never been my favorite thing to do but I usually have a little fun. But not this time. This time I'm going to sleep.

"Hey can you wake me up when we get there?" I say over to Mitch. No answer. "Mitch." I turned around to see that he was quite relaxed with his eyes closed and had his music blasting through his head phones. Typical. I gave him a light nudge. He jolted up.

"Are we there?" He said quickly.

"No silly not yet we just sat down how could you possibly be asleep?" I said through light giggles.

"I guess I got less sleep than I thought. What do you need?" He says fully awake now.

"Well I was going to if you could wake me up when we got there but if you want to-"

"No no I'll wake you up. I've got business to tend to anyway." Business? With how tired I am I can't really refuse.

"Thanks love you" By the time Mitch says I love you too I'm already half way into sleep.


Though the flight was nearly 3 hours long it only felt like I was asleep for ten minutes.

"Scott? We're here Scott. We're landing" Was it an angel? Oh no it was Mitch. Within a few seconds I was being stood up to get my stuff and get off the plane. We're finally here. Back home where I'll be surrounded by grieving family. Can't wait.

Authors note

OK so it wasn't all that interesting but I promise it will get good soon. This is a lot more work than I expected so with me on this one K? Thanks for everyone who read I hope you keep on reading. Until next time.

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