Chapter Twelve: The Dream

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Remember when I was so afraid of getting punched in the face? Well they went away. I was cool. I was ok. Avi didn't hate me and neither did Kirstie. I'd deal with Scott later. I just couldn't see his face right now. He cheated. Intentionally. But back to the fear of being the main ingredient of a knuckle sandwich. Those fears came back, and they came back strong. Kevin charging there with clenched fists and raging eyes was enough to make me come close to peeing my pants. When I tell you that Kevin is one of the strongest guys I've ever met I'm not lying. My black eye can vouch for it.

"What the hell is wrong with you Kevin!?" Kirstie screamed running to block the next blow. I was on the ground with my hands covering my throbbing eye. I can't stand pain so as soon as I hit the ground my eyes turned on like a faucet.

"He came on to Veronica! The son of a bitch tried to force her!" he screamed. So that's what the kids are calling denying sex with their best friend's girlfriend. All eyes were on me.

"Mitch is this true?" Kirstie asked with concerned eyes.

"Hell no!" I could barely manage words with my throat closing with every sob, "She came me!" I couldn't believe she could tell that huge of a lie.

"That's not what she told me," Kevin said with anger still in every word. I was able to cease my sobs and regain my balance.

"Of course that's not what she told you. We were upstairs and she kissed me. She tried to get me to have sex with her but I told her I couldn't because I'm not the type of person to sleep with one of my best friend's girlfriend. She's trying to get back at me for saying no." I told it with all the sincerity my heart could manage. I could only hope that they believed me.

"He's lying and I can prove it. Look," Veronica lowered the collar of the turtle neck she must've put on after I left. Their were bruises on her neck, as if someone tried to choke her. I have no idea how those got there but it sure as hell wasn't done by me. With one glance Kevin had his hand around my neck. Air was escaping me. Fast.

"KEVIN STOP!" Kirstie began to pull on Kevin's free arm but was unsuccessful in getting him to let go. When she accepted defeat she acquired a new target. Veronica began to stiffen up and looked like a deer in head lights. Kirstie can be extremely intimidating when she wants to be, "YOU"

"Wait, stay back. I didn't do anything!" Veronica was pleading for Kirstie to keep her distance. I scanned the room as it began to get black.

Where the hell is Avi? He was the only one that could get Kevin off me. He was nowhere to be found. I tried one last time to get oxygen to my lungs but once again I failed. The room started to spin. I saw Kirstie swing at Veronica full force. That got Kevin off me.

I was clinging on to consciousness, it felt like my wind pipes were completely crushed. I heard faint screams. I could only assume they were coming from Veronica. How could things go south so fast? Everything was fine. Now I was on the floor gasping for life as Kirstie beat the crap out of Kevin's girlfriend.


I woke up on my couch. The first thing I saw was the colorful polka dot picture me and Scott have on our wall. My neck was cold and stiff. I knew pain would come soon. I tried to turn my neck and that's when that heavily anticipated pain came surging through my throat and neck. My eye was swollen shut. He really did a number on me.

"I just don't understand how he could believe her." Kirstie's whispers invaded my thoughts, "Mitch could never do something like that...Yeah...He's still sleeping...I will...You should he needs you right now...Ok...Love you too...Bye."

I closed my eye again and decided to not say anything. My throat wouldn't let me anyway.  I could hear her coming closer to me. The couch shifted as she sat down next my sore body. I heard the T.V. turn on and at first it was blaring.

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