Chapter Five: The Sleepover Part I

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Author's Note

This chapter would've been out sooner but my internet was down. This sleepover is about to get crazy.

Mitch's POV

"About what?" THis was the time for her to be playing dumb with me.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. The question is what are you and Avi talking about?" I was at the edge of my seat at this point.

"Nothing that concerns you Mitch" Why is she doing this to me? We tell eachother everything. Why is she hiding this from me.

"Whatever Kirstie." I got up to go see what was taking Kevin, Avi, and Scott so long. I snuck up there planning on scaring the crap out of them. As I walked up the stairs I peeked my head around the corner to see them all standing in a circle talking. I leaned a little to hear them.

"But I don't think Jonathan would be ok with that." Avi said in a whisper. "With you and Mitch dating already that would mean this group is pretty much dating eachother and I don't think he'd like that."

"Well do you really love her?" I heard Kevin ask.

"Yeah if you love her then who cares what Jonathan will say. I say ask Kirstie out." Scott said. so is this what they've been talking about? Why am I the only one who's not allowed to know? I quietly went back down the stairs then stomped my way up. I wanted to see wha their reason of taking so long would be.

"Hey guys what's taking you?" I asked looking genuinely confused.

"Um we were discussing what pizza to get." Nice save Kevin. "But we were just about to come downstairs to talk to you and Kirstie about it."

"Well hurry it's getting boring down there." I said looking exasperated. I walked back downstairs and headed back to wear I was seated. Before I sat down I shot Kirstie a dirty look. She saw me and immediately looked down at her feet.

"So pizza you guys. Suggestions?" Scott said. "I'm paying by the way."


We all eventually agreed on one large cheese pizza and one large pepperoni pizza. The night was going extremely well after I had forgotten about Avi and Kirstie. We were all playing Just Dance 2014 when I went to go get a blanket from upstairs. Once I was upstairs and looking for a blanket that didn't want to be found I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Hey Kev is that you? I can't find a blanket for the life of me." I turned around to see Kirstie. "Oh I thought you were Kevin. Are you looking for a blanket too? It's getting kind of chilly." She didn't respond. I turned to realize that we just so happened to be in Kevin's spare bedroom. She was just standing there. "Kirstie are you OK?"

"Mitch...I Just don't know anymore. I think I'm in love with you but... Avi is such a great guy. But even when I think of him you seem to just invade my mind." She was slowly getting closer. I was all of a sudden extremely uncomfortable.

"Kirstie you know Avi is the better choice." That didn't stop her from getting any closer. Before I knew it we were as close as close can get. Her body weight made me drop down onto the bed so that I was just sitting there looking up at her.

"Mitch I know all those things but I just can't help myself." Her face got closer to mine until our lips met. Why did I have to enjoy this. Why couldn't I have the power to push her off of me and tell her I'm in an extremely happy relationship? The pecks turned into a full on make out session with her on top of me. We were laying there and I just couldn't bring myself to say no. But why? I'm gay right? So what is this? I'm dating Scott right? The best man alive. So what is this? She began to unbutton my pajama shirt and prodded it off of me. It was my turn. My turn to end this. Or to keep it going and either regret it or make the best decision of my life. Just as I was about to make this decision we both heard footsteps. I had to think quickly. I grabbed my shirt and ran into the bathroom connected to the bedroom and shut the door.

"Hey Kirstie are you OK?" Avi.

"Yeah I just really couldn't find a blanket." Good she was going along with it.

"Here you go. Where's Mitch?"

"I think he's in one of the bathrooms I'm not sure." This was going well.

"Kirstie can I talk to you about something?" Oh no. It was happening and I didn't have a choice but to listen. I quietly slid my back against the door until I was seated on floor with my head resting on the door.

"Yeah sure what's up?"

"So I've been thinking and... I want us to be a thing. You know? Who cares what Jonathan will say. Kirsten Taylor Maldanoda I love you and I hope you feel the same way." My heart was literally breaking in half. There was a silence.

"Avriel Benjamin Kaplan I love you too." There was more silence. After a while of nothing I peeked out and they were gone. I stood up and tried to process everything that had happened in the last 15-30 minutes. Well I fell in love with Kirstie. Almost made the worst decision in my life. And to put the icing on the cake I had my heart broken into tiny little pieces. And just to add those colorful sprinkles on I cheated on my caring, loving boyfriend who would never even think of doing anything of he sort to me. I slowly crept back downstairs to see everyone having the best time. Before I could just forget about a little kiss in the hallway to the bathrooms but this was a whole new level. I put on my poker face and didn't even look at Kirstie.

"I'm next you guys I haven't had a turn." I yelled loudly. I noticed bottles of liquor opened and half empty on the table. I looked at the time. It was merely 10:46 and a whole lifetime of pain already took place. I guess alcohol is an activity I can partake in. I poured five shots and called everyone over.

"Why don't we have a toast?" Everyone picked up their glass. "A toast to all the people who have had their hearts stepped on. This toast is to show that everyone can overcome it. To the broken hearted."

"To the broken hearted!" We all downed our drinks. And we continued to do that. I was right on the brink of not being able to remember anything when I stopped.

"Scott I need to talk to you." I whispered over to him almost fully intoxicated. The bass-filled music made me dizzy. I grabbed his hand and walked him down the hall to the bathroom and shut the door behind us. Avi and Kevin were showing off how much their hips don't lie along with Kirstie so they didn't even notice we'd left.

"Oh I see. We're both drunk in the bathroom. I know exactly what you want to do." Wrong idea Scott.

"No Scott I really just wanted to talk." I could see the disappointment in his face.

"Well that's boring. Whatever what do you want to talk about?" Sometimes I hated drunk Scott.

"About Kirstie and Avi." He looked concerned.

"How did you know about that? You weren't supposed to know." But why?

"Tell me everything Scott it's OK I won't tell the others."

"OK. You promise?" Right where I want him.


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