Chapter Ten: The Recovery 1/2

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Mitch's POV

"Are you sure you don't need anything hun?" I asked just before I was about to walk out of the door of the too bright hospital room. I always hated hospitals. The blaring lights and the smell of death and old people. Don't ask me what that smells like because it's unexplainable. Kirstie was doing a lot better since the incident. At least that's what the doctor said.

"I'm ok Mitchie. Thanks for looking out for me. Seriously, you're the best." She said with every bit of sincerity. I was just about to walk out the door when she asked what I was trying to avoid. "What did you want to tell me that day you came to my apartment?"

        Well shit. I'd spent a whole two nights at the hospital with her and not once did she ask this haunting question. I haven't even talked to Scott since what had happened. Right when I was good and ready to go deal with him she just had to ask.

"Oh uh... it's just...nothing really. Don't worry. I mean it's not nothing it's kinda serious but. I think I should go but you should probably know. I mean you were a big factor in this whole *sigh* thing." I could see the frustration and confusion in her face.

"Mitch if you don't start making some sense right now I will jump out of this bed and beat the-"

"Ok chill. So you remember the slumber party right? Well no you don't. I mean you kinda do but I made it seem like you didn't but you actually really did." She had a dead look on her face that could voice what she didn't need to say out loud. "Ok the next morning you said you remembered some things and I said it didn't happen."

"Wait. Please don't tell me."

"Well it...did." She took in a breath to say something but I quickly cut her off to explain myself."I only told you it didn't happen because I thought I had it all under control but I didn't." I was still standing at the door afraid to get any closer. I could almost see her thoughts with the contemplative look she had. She looked up really quick.

"Who else knows?" She looked at me intently.

"Well just you and Scott. And Avi had suspicion but I don't know if he still does."

"Are you fucking kidding me Mitch!?" She was almost out of her bed and the beeps on her little monitor were getting more and more frequent.

"Ok Kirstie you really need to calm down you should be taking some of the blame too" Bad word choice. She was completely standing up now.

"ME!? WHAT!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!?"  The beeps were getting out of control.

"Kirstie we can talk about this later you need to calm down." I just told her to calm down for the second time. I must have a death wish. She stood there with a crazy look in her eyes, her mouth agape. She looked down for a second then closed her eyes.

"Get out." Her change in mood was drastic. But I was only in the eye of the storm. I began to walk towards her until I could just reach out and touch her shoulder.

"GET OUT NOW"  She started throwing punches as hard as she could. She was so weak at the moment that it didn't hurt that bad but it definitely hurt every bit of me on the inside,"I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR STUPID FACE AGAIN DON'T EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN YOU STUPID BASTARD" I could hear the foot steps of a nurse coming down the hall. Kirstie began to break into hard sobs. I slowly backed away until I backed into the expected nurse.

"I'm sorry." I said softly barely able to get the words out. I turned to the door and broke into a light jog towards the main doors."I'm sorry" I repeated over and over. How could I blame Kirstie in any way? This is all my fault. Every single bit of it. I should've just told the truth from the beginning. I could've avoided this whole mess. I just lost my best friend in the whole entire world. And it's all my fault. I finally got outside. The blazing Los Angeles sun beamed down on me. Even with all this light my world was lights out.


         So I  just realized I never really explained what happened to Kirstie. Well basically to make a long story short Jeremy got caught up in a lot of illegal stuff. He was getting really deep into the drug world and almost took Kirstie with him. He's in custody but we don't think he will be for long. His parents have a butt load of money. I'm not sure how he convinced Kirstie to do these things with him but he did and she almost OD'd. Whenever the other's would visit her in the hospital I would just go to a different place in the hospital. I just couldn't face any of them. I was the only one Kirstie wanted to spend the night but I think she might've changed her mind. I don't know what comes after this. I guess just go home and see what happens.


        As I turned my key I had second thoughts. I saw Scott's car in the parking lot so there's a 75% chance that he's home. I walked through the door and looked around. My heart began to race. It reminded me too much of walking into Kirstie's apartment to find her holding onto life by just a few dead breaths. I had to sit down. I closed the door and sauntered over to the couch. I would look in Scott's room but my fears would only become more intense. But what if he isn't ok? Anything could've happened. I got up and did a light jog to his room. The door was cracked. I pushed it open lightly. He was laying there on his bed motionless.

"SCOTT NO NOT YOU TOO" I ran over to the bed and shook him like a maniac. He opened his eyes quickly and started pushing me away.

"Oh my God Mitch what is wrong with you!?" I looked at him with a confused expression. That was the moment I thought to look at the time. 6:43. Of course. He was sleeping. I didn't even realize what time it was.

"No I.. I thought you-"

"I don't care what you thought. Why are you here?" He had an angry look in his eyes.

"I do live here right? Or just because I had one night of infidelity I don't? I should be asking what's wrong with you. You have no idea what it's like to walk into that room and see her hanging on for dear life! I was worried about you Scott! I thought you were DEAD Scott! But of course you don't care. You never care about how I feel about things. No matter what you can't be satisfied can you? The day yo walked out the door I wanted to talk it out but you couldn't get past your huge ego could you? Do you even have anything to say?" I looked at him intently. Waiting. I've never talked to him like that.

"You're right. I don't know. You were scared and I only pushed you away. You tried to explain and I pushed you away. I ran. I'm sorry. But you have to understand how I felt when you tell me that you almost cheated on me with Kirstie." I could understand.

"Yeah." I layed down next to him,"So um. I kinda lied to Kirstie about it too." He sat up really fast.

"What! Are you kidding? Like seriously."

"Yes but I told her the truth today and she told me she never wants to talk to me again. Ever." He was staring straight forward towards the wall so I couldn't see his face.

"Ok wait. So. When you say you lied what do you mean?"

"The morning after the sleepover she confronted me about what happened the night before and I told her it was a dream. I was just really scared. I finally told her the truth today. I tried to before but she was with Jeremy so I didn't really get the chance because she told me to leave." He turned to look at me slowly.

"You knew she was with Jeremy?" Oh no. Oh noohnoohno. Why can't I keep my unbelievably kissable lips shut sometimes.

"I mean yeah but she said she would explain and she said she trusted me to keep it a secret and I needed as much trust as I could get from her."

"You could've prevented this. All of it. What is wrong with you Mitch? Can't you do anything right?" He looked me deep in my eyes. I could feel a tear welling in my eye. Before I knew it my eyes were pretty much leaking.

"You know what Scott I don't think I can." I got up from the bed as quick as I could.

"Wait Mitch I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that." I was practically out the door. Now it was me running away.

"Then why did you Scott huh? I can't do this anymore. Everyone hates me. Everybody." I walked out the door and slammed it behind me. I did a jog type thing to my car. By the time Scott was even out the door I was already leaving the parking lot. I shot Kevin a quick text and before I knew it I was on my way. Not thinking twice about the girl that had spent the night at his house the night before.

I'm Broken (Scomiche FanFiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz