Chapter Four: The Dinner

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Author's note

I write these late at night so if anything seems weird then that's why. Anyways I hope you enjoy this next chapter c:

Mitch's POV

"Hey thirsty" I said into the phone speaker.

"What's up Katherine?" That's what I call people.

"That's what I call people you can't just take it." I heard light giggles." Anyway how would you like to go to dinner?"

"Just us? I don't know"

"No Katherine. Me, you, Avi, Kevin, and Scott."

"Oh that sounds fun. Where and when?" Wait why is she so enthusiastic all of a sudden?

"So just me and you isn't good enough or something?" Was there something wrong?

"No Mitch it's not you it's just. I don't know. Where and when Mitch?" She was acting really weird. Before she would've been all over us going to dinner together.

"At this place called Saam it's in Beverly Hills." I heard a gasp. "What's wrong?"

"That place is so expensive I can't afford that."

"Oh Scott's paying. His great grandmother kind of left him 500,000 dollars." All I heard was a loud WHAT? "Yeah I know. So are you going or not? IF the answer is yes we will be picking you up in about an hour."

"Yeah I'll go. See you then Mitchie."

"See you then Katherine." I hung up and walked out into the living room. I saw Scott on the phone laughing it up. Must be Kevin or Avi. I then did a light jog back to my room and got into the shower and didn't leave my room again until I was completely ready. I put on the new cologne my mom gave me. It smells really good but when I got it I couldn't think of an occasion good enough for it. Well this was that occasion. I walked out into the living room to find Scott sitting on the couch watching Sponge bob fully dressed with his hair slicked back in his signature way.

"Finally. You took like two days. Avi and Kevin are coming how about Kirstie?" I was slightly offended by his exaggeration of time.

"Well perfection takes time so you're welcome and yeah but we're picking her up. She was acting kind of weird on the phone. I asked her if she wanted to go to dinner and she was like oh I don't know but when I said we were all going she was all over it. Then she got super defensive when I asked her about it." He was just nodding his head the whole time.

"Maybe she's desperately in love with you?" He said jokingly. Yeah right. Mirstie was a thing in high school but not anymore and she knows that.

"Whatever Scott" I said through chuckles.


"Oh my gosh that was not me." Kirstie pleaded as we shared the time we prank called Jonathan.

"Yes you said 'I'm right behind you' and then did a crazy laugh" Avi corrected her. We all busted out laughing at the crazy memory.

"OK maybe I did do that but at least I didn't do a creepy song." She said darting her eyes at me.

"Hey I was trying to set the spooky mood. Bottom line is we all got a good laugh out of it including Jonathan. Now if you will excuse me I have to pee." I got up and I could still hear a trail of laughter even in the hall way to the bathrooms.

"Hey Mitch" I turned around to see Kirstie.

"Oh hey thirsty what's up?" I was kind of surprised to see her.

"I really need to tell you something that's been bothering me."

"Are you OK? What's wrong?" I was so confused.

"Mitch...I... I love you." I was taken back by this confession. Before I was able to say anything she smashed her lips against mine. What is happening? Is this happening? Maybe I'm dreaming. I closed my eyes really tight. 'wake up' No luck. I pushed Kirstie away from and just looked at her. What was I feeling? Did I still have feelings for Kirstie? I can't. I'm already dating the love of my life.

"Mitch. I'm sorry. I just had to kiss you one last time." She started to walk away but i grabbed her and turned her to face me. What now? What did I want to say? What did I want to do? I wanted to...kiss her. So I did. A lot. I don't know why I did it. But I did. Maybe after this the feelings will just leave. I backed away from her.

"Kirstie. I love you too. But I-"

"I know. You and Scott are perfect for each other. Can we just pretend this never happened?"

"If that's what you really want." She walked back to the table. Once I got back from the bathroom I walked to the table and everyone was still laughing and having a good time. Including Kirstie. When we locked eyes she smiled and winked at me. Was she really coming on to me? We already agreed it never happened. Oh. Wait. That's normal behaviour. I winked back at her. I then turned and kissed Scott on the cheek. Just in case. By this time her and Avi were whispering to each other. But about what? My curiosity exceeded me. To make matters worse they continued to whisper to each other back and forth throughout the rest of dinner. I just had to know.

 At the end of dinner I made a bold suggestion.

"So I have an idea." I said to the group. they seemed interested."Why don't we pick a place to sleep at and have one big sleepover? Like the teenagers do." I expected everyone to have an excuse for why they couldn't but instead I got nods of approval and 'That's a good idea's. I would ask Kirstie then. We chose the biggest place which was Kevin's but everyone went home to get their clothes and things. Once we got home I struck up conversation with Scott.

"Hey you know what would be crazy?"


"If Kirstie really was madly in love with me." He looked a bit confused.

"Yeah that would be crazy."

"What would you do if she was?" Just curious.

"Um I don't know. Sit her down and talk to her." Oh cool."Then I would proceed to kick her ass." Not cool. Not cool at all.


Once we got back to Kevin's house everything was laid out. We had the full on Teenage sleepover set up. Except everyone brought liquor. Well I guess it's still a teenage sleepover. We had the vintage movies, popcorn, board games, party games, sleeping bags. It brought back amazing memories. Once everyone showed up Kevin had an announcement.

"Well tonight is going to be legendary. No rules. Just us best friends having fun. Wait one rule. Don't break anything. We'll start the night with twister. I'll go get it." Everyone was genuinely excited. I sat down on the couch and opened up twitter on my phone. "Best night ever. Happening now." I sent the tweet and watched the favorites roll in. Even at this point it was crazy that so many people adored me. I looked up to see Avi and Kirstie sitting next to each other. What were they doing? You guessed it. Whispering. It was killing me.

"Hey Avi can you come help us out?" Yelled Scott from upstairs. Avi jumped up and ran upstairs. Me and Kirstie were alone.

"Kirstie we need to talk."

Author's note

Two chapters in one night because I don't want to go to sleep. So here you go. The sleepover is about to get crazy. It strays from the basic idea of my story but it will fit with the future Scott problems I promise. Until then. *blows kiss* Goodbyyyyyyye

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