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Dipper opened the ancient wooden door, ears ringing from the practical shrieking of the hinges. He grimaced at the scent of stale air, eyes stinging from the amount of dust he managed to churn up. Dipper couldn't keep from hacking, the dust having entered his lungs. How long ago had the old man discovered this place?

   It didn't matter, so long as he was away from Stanford.

When his hacking finally ceased, Dipper took in his surroundings. There was furniture, though it looked older than Soos' grandmother's things. A thick layer of dust covered the living room; or at least that was what Dipper assumed the room was meant to be, based on the old couch and chair taking up the small front room. There were two entryways; one leading to an equally dust covered, and ancient kitchen, while the other led to a small hallway. No photos were to be found on any of the walls, or any of the worn shelves. Dipper couldn't help but find it strange. Why would whoever lived here not take the furniture with them? He elected to ignore this in favor of continuing to explore. He found one single bedroom and a bathroom, though the latter was downright disgusting.

Heading into the bedroom, Dipper sat cross-legged in the center of the floor, not trusting the furniture to remain intact. And there he sat, quickly growing impatient. Seriously, did he have to say Bill's name three times like fucking Beetlejuice?

"You can say my name as many times as you want, Pine Tree."

"Bill!" Dipper exclaimed, face flushing. His embarrassment was met with the demons familiar cackle.

"Oh come on, kid! Have a little fun!" Once again, Dipper could practically feel the smirk on Bill's nonexistent mouth.

"I thought you were going to teach me magic?" Dipper changed the subject, face still hot. Bill's continued laughter only made him blush even harder.

"Suit yourself, Pine Tree." Dipper swallowed, nervousness taking root in his gut. "Well, better start with the boring stuff. Theory." Dipper felt a grin form on his face. He had always been one for theory. Bill chuckled slightly. "Should have known that you'd like this, kid." A pause. "So, first thing you need to know is that magic varies depending on the dimension. We're currently in the Mindscape, so magic is going to come without much thought; like in Fez's head." Dipper winced at the memory, but quickly shook off the thought when Bill continued. "Here, and in many other dimensions, the most common type of magic is "controlled." This type is rather easy to control. The most common type in this dimension, however, is almost entirely "wild" magic. This is much harder to control, and why magic in the dimension is so uncommon."

"Almost entirely?" Dipper asked when Bill paused.

"You ever hear of the Bermuda Triangle? Lilydale, New York? Both are pockets of controlled magic." Bill's single eyebrow raised in a mocking manner. "You're going to start in your own Mindscape. Spells will come the most naturally here. We'll start with something simple; fire." Dipper blanched. Fire? How was that simple? Bill, having read his mind, answered. "Wild magic is based almost entirely on emotion, on instinct. That is why it is so hard to control, and that is why marked users are so rare. You're angry, aren't you Pine Tree?" Bill looked directly into Dipper's eyes now, a raw seeing in his gaze that Dipper couldn't bear to see. He felt stripped bare, as if Bill could see directly into him, into his very soul. Perhaps the dream demon could.

"Yes." Dipper said quietly, not wanting his undeniable anger to come forth again; not wanting to remember the sting of betrayal.

"The pain fuels the fire within you, your life, your passion. The anger only rounds out preexisting emotion, making fire likely to come easily to you." Bill didn't remove his gaze, and Dipper couldn't seem to look away. "Hold out your hand, palm up." He instructed, voice almost soft. "Focus on your passion, on your pain. Focus on life itself. Let it take shape in your hand, let your own flames fuel it. Do not be afraid." Dipper did as instructed, not quite knowing when his eyes slipped close. He thought of Mabel floating away from that button, of Stanley's many secrets, he thought of the blinding pain that Si- Stanford had caused him not a full day ago. Dipper felt something shift, felt a strange power enter his very being. Dipper thought of the life he'd led until now. He thought of his passion for the supernatural, he thought of his newfound interest in magic. Finally, with one final mental push, Dipper heard something ignite. Opening his eyes, Dipper saw an evergreen flame dancing just above his open palm.

"I- I did it!" Dipper stammered out, shocked by his success. A thought occurred to him, making Dipper frown slightly. "Why is it green?"

"It only proves your ability further, Pine Tree." The name sounded much less mocking than it had before, being said in such a, dare he say, soft way. "Colored flames don't come around too often, and in conjunction with the mark of a constellation?" Bill whistled. Dipper felt his cheeks warm at the obvious compliment.

"I'm afraid I have to send you back now. Practice summoning fire outside of your Mindscape. It will be much more difficult, as you will be surrounded by entirely wild magic." Dipper looked at the dream demon in confusion. "The magic here is a nearly perfect combination of wild and controlled magic. By giving you the basic foundation in controlling wild magic, you should be able to use it in your dimension with practice. I'll be in touch, kid."

And with that, Bill disappeared, leaving Dipper to regain consciousness.

A/n: Thank you guys so much for 1.6K!!!!!!
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