Freeze Your Brain

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As we ride to the Snappy Snack Shack, I feel y/n's arms around my torso. No one's ever been that close to me and well.. enjoyed it. I've had different girlfriends in my old schools but I can tell that y/n's going to be different. Dating's never been my strong suit. I usually just enjoy being alone with my thoughts, but now that I met someone that at least wants my company, I can't take that for granted. I see the neon blue signs of the Snappy Snack Shack in the distance. I feel a nostalgic smile form on my face. Every place I move to, Vegas, Boston, Ohio, there's always a Snappy Snack Shack there. It's kind of like my refuge. Always there for me, even when no one else is. Now, I can share my love for it with someone else. Finally, I have someone else with me. We arrive in the parking lot and we enter the store. The looming presence of junk food, the smell of marijuana in the air, the clunk of the cash register and the all around aura of neon lights, make me so calm. All my problems vanish, and my life seems perfect. My heart rate quickens as I feel y/n's hand in mine. I grip it tight and I feel like I'm about to cry. No one's ever been this affectionate towards me. Maybe she sees it. We walk over to the slushee machine and I smile as I see the chemical flavors that I love so much. I look at her and ask "which flavor did you say you wanted, cherry, coke, raspberry, or blueberry?"
"I didn't, and cherry" she replies, her face is almost as red as the drink she is ordering. I guess she's just as shocked and nervous as I am. I fill a cup with cherry slushee for her and another with coke for myself. We pay and leave the store. I sit down on a bench outside and pat the spot next to me, motioning her to sit with me. She complies and sits down next to me, slowly sipping her slushee, obviously avoiding brain freeze. I drink so many of these I'm kind of tolerant to those now.
"Do you come here a lot?" she asks, breaking the silence. I nod my head in agreement.
"Me too" she says as she takes a larger sip of her slushee. She suddenly takes a sharp breath inward and clutches her skull. "Ow! Brain freeze!" she says as she winces. I kiss her on the head as she rubs her temples. Her eyes go wide and she looks at me with large e/c eyes and red cheeks. I didn't even realize what I did until she takes another sip, wanting more of the addictive substance. I can't believe I just kissed her. I met her only a few hours ago. Am I moving too fast? She definitely likes me. Oh my god. I facepalm and take another sip of my slushee, but this one was too big and as I swallow, my skull tingles with pain. I feel my eyes shut tightly in discontent and I rub my head trying to get rid of the pain. She realizes that I was in pain and kisses me lightly on the cheek. My heart rate spikes and I almost start hyperventilating. This can't be real. It's not real. I'm just dreaming. No. No. No.
"Are you okay?" She asks rubbing my shoulder. I just realized I was crying. Why am I crying? I nod, but she can tell I'm lying. I'm not even sad. Why am I crying?
"My head hurts" I reply, my voice cracking embarrassingly. I shouldn't be crying next to a girl I like. She's probably thinking I'm weak. She sighs and takes my hand.
"It'll be okay" she repeats quietly. Now, I'm sobbing. Great. Why is this happening to me? I take a couple deep breaths to calm down.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be crying. I'm sorry. I totally ruined this date, I'm sorry" I choke out through the sobs. She hugs me and says in a tone a mother would use to comfort her crying child. God, I'm such a child.
"You didn't ruin anything, JD. Today was amazing. I bet you're tired, or homesick. No matter what, I'm still here for you" she says. I calm myself down and exhale deeply. I hug her tightly.
"Thank you, y/n. Thank you" I say.
"Of course" she replies.
I pull away and rub her cheek with my hand. She's so beautiful. There's no holding back anymore. No being scared, no more running away. I love her, and that's that. As I kiss her, I realize one thing and one thing only. This love is going to hurt more than any brain freeze I've ever experienced.

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